
Hallo, ich habe einen English-Article über Holidays geschrieben.

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  1. positive Dinge über deine Ferien
  2. negative Dinge über deine Ferien

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Holidays make the life better

Nearly everybody go on vacation in their holidays. Fortunately, my family do this every year.


During my last summer holidays my family and I went to Italy to a theme park called ,,Luna Park”. The good things were that I spent a lot of time with my family and my brother and I rode several rides, for example ,,White Shark” or ,,Xtreme”. Another funny moment was when my sister was spat at by a llama. Moreover, I could convince my mother to go swimming in the sea because it was really hot in Italy. We had about 30 degrees Celsius. “Luna Park” has access to sea, which I really appreciated. For me food is one of the most important things in the world and that is why I was happy to see such good meals at the restaurant. Of course, this food was not cheap, but I think it was worth it.

But there were not only good memories because when we were eating in a restaurant we saw an ambulance and an injured child. I think the child had had an accident in the playground. The paramedics took care of the child and he was allowed to go back to his parents. Furthermore, this theme park was crowded with tourists. In my opinion, this destroys the pleasure of holidays.


All in all, I have to say that it was a nice vacation and I hope everybody will have such good holidays.

Englisch lernen, Englisch, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, article
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Many people argue whether or not the British monarchy should be abolished.

In the following, I present arguments for and against a monarchy so that you can form your own pinion.

On the one hand, the British monarchy should be abolished because a monarch only rules but has no real political power or function. this means that a queen or king is unnecessary and unimportant to the state.

Also, the UK is not a democracy, as is claimed, because in a democracy people can elect the head of state, but since the royal family is still alive, they will continue to be the head of state.

This is very unfair and unequal to the rest of the population.

Also, people can never be 100% sure if the next monarch is good for the state and does not have bad intentions.

This could make people very worried.

Another important aspect is that the royal family spends a lot of money on the palace when they could use the money for more important things.

On the other hand, the British monarchy should not be abolished, because a monarch is very important even if he or she has no real political power.  

His or her importance is reflected in national stability.

Since a monarch embodies the British history, values and tradition, this leads to stronger national identification, which brings people closer together so that there is national stability.

In addition, members of the royal family are very important to charities, because since the royal family has a good image and is important, charities can be heard better, so they continue with their charities.

Some people may think that a monarch spends a lot of money, but that doesn't mean a president doesn't.

there are many presidents with many

There are also many presidents with many offices, even more than the British monarch.

The fact that the royal family has always been at the head of the state means that people trust it because they know its good intentions.

This means that the monarchy is in safe hands, so to speak.

Another important point is that the royal family has shown that it can modernize and adapt to the times.  

This is very important because many people claim that they are unmodern and have different thoughts than today.

But the Queen, for example, has allowed her son Charles to marry a divorced woman, whereas in the past this was a very dangerous issue. 

that means she was able to “modernise”. 

Weighing the pros and cons of the British monarchy, one can say that it should not be abolished because the British monarchy has been very successful, mainly because it has adapted to the times and modernized.

Englisch lernen, Englisch, Abitur, englische Grammatik, Grammatik, summary, Writing, comment, englisch-lehrer
Harry Potter auf englisch lesen? (Schwierigkeitslevel)?


ich bin in der 8. Klasse und eigentlich ganz gut in englisch und weil ich dieses Jahr zwei Bücher für die Schule lesen muss hab ich da an die Harry Potter Bücher gedacht, weil ich sowieso vorhatte sie zu lesen. Ich hab von einer Bekannten gehört, dass die Bücher auf englisch besser sein sollen und weil das ja auch eine perfekte Möglichkeit ist mein englisches Vokabular und generell mein englisch zu verbessern, dachte ich, dass ich die Bücher ja auch auf englisch lesen könnte. Ich habe schon seit längerem vor, mal auf englisch zu lesen und das ist eben die 'perfekte‘ Chance. Deswegen wollte ich mal fragen, wie schwer es ist die HP Bücher auf englisch zu lesen. Ich habe immer ziemlich gute Noten in Englisch (zwischen 2+ und 2-), dazu muss ich aber auch sagen, dass ich zwar gerne englische YT Videos schaue und durch in Social media (z.b. TikTok) sehr viel auf englisch sehe, aber das natürlich nicht so anspruchsvolles Englisch ist, weswegen ich erstmal mit einem etwas leichteren Buch anfangen wollte. Auf so einer E-Book App habe ich mit mal die Leseprobe von Harry Potter und der Stein der weisen (bzw. Harry Potter and the Phylosophers Stone) und ich habe es eigentlich ziemlich gut verstanden. Ich habe noch keines der HP Bücher gelesen (falls das irgendwie wichtig ist um die Frage zu beantworten)

Englisch lernen, Buch, Schule, Harry Potter, Englisch-Deutsch, Filme und Serien

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