Was kann ich an dieser "cartoon analysis" noch verbessern?

Ich habe gerade als Übung für mein Englisch Abitur eine "Cartoon Analysis" geschrieben, und würde mich freuen wenn ihr mir ein paar Verbesserungstipps geben könntet. 

Trump Commiserates With Angela Merkel:

By Patrick Chappatte, published on Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The cartoon "Trump Commiserates With Angela Merkel", was published on Tuesday, October 30, 2018 in the New York Times, and deals with US-president Donald Trumps immigration policy, specifically his plan of building a wall between Mexico and the US, in order to keep undocumented immigrants out of the country. The cartoonists name is Patrick Chapette.

In the foreground of the cartoon, you can recognize Trump by his typical suit with a red tie, his uniquely styled blond hair and the "okay" sign that he is doing. In a chair across from him, sits the German chancellor Angela Merkel, who can be identified by her facial features and her haircut. Trump has a speech bubble above his head, which reads "YOU GUYS IN BERLIN HAD A TERRIFIC WALL". In the backround behind Trumps chair on the left side, there is a US-flag, and behind Angela Merkel, there is a German one. 

In the cartoon, Trump states that the Berlin Wall was "terrific", even though by society at large it is generally seen as a symbol of opression. Clearly, the cartoonist is trying to imply, that the Berlin Wall and the wall that Trump wants to built on the US-Mexican border are similar. Because the cartoonist is drawing that comparisson, it is to be assumed that Patrick Chappette is very critical towards Trumps plan.  

In my opinion, Patrick Chapettes point comes across fairly well trough the cartoon, because the Berlin Wall is very well known, and almost universally seen as negative. Although the comparison is hampered a little by the fact, that the Berlin Wall was built to keep citizens in East Berlin from LEAVING the GDR, unlike the wall that Trump wants to built, which is supposed to keep foreigneers from ENTERING the US. Nevertheless, there are also a lot of similarities, like the brutal methods that Trump wants to use, to make sure that the border is protected, going so far as to shoot people before they can cross it. (Whitch is comparable to the methods the GDRs government used.) Furthermore, I think the cartoon is easy to understand, because the politicians that are portrayed, are made very recognizable by of the characteristics that I have listed in my discription of the cartoon. Finally, I agree with the opinion of the author regarding Trumps immigration policy. To my mind, it is inhumane and xenophobic. If people are willing to risk their lifes to cross a border, be it too escape a country of to enter another, the government should focus on improving the situation in those countrys, that have unbearable living conditions. They should give refugees shelter instead of hindering them from crossing the border by all means necessary

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Englisch lernen, Englisch, Schule, Abitur, Angela Merkel, Satire, Abiturprüfung
Harry Potter auf englisch lesen? (Schwierigkeitslevel)?


ich bin in der 8. Klasse und eigentlich ganz gut in englisch und weil ich dieses Jahr zwei Bücher für die Schule lesen muss hab ich da an die Harry Potter Bücher gedacht, weil ich sowieso vorhatte sie zu lesen. Ich hab von einer Bekannten gehört, dass die Bücher auf englisch besser sein sollen und weil das ja auch eine perfekte Möglichkeit ist mein englisches Vokabular und generell mein englisch zu verbessern, dachte ich, dass ich die Bücher ja auch auf englisch lesen könnte. Ich habe schon seit längerem vor, mal auf englisch zu lesen und das ist eben die 'perfekte‘ Chance. Deswegen wollte ich mal fragen, wie schwer es ist die HP Bücher auf englisch zu lesen. Ich habe immer ziemlich gute Noten in Englisch (zwischen 2+ und 2-), dazu muss ich aber auch sagen, dass ich zwar gerne englische YT Videos schaue und durch in Social media (z.b. TikTok) sehr viel auf englisch sehe, aber das natürlich nicht so anspruchsvolles Englisch ist, weswegen ich erstmal mit einem etwas leichteren Buch anfangen wollte. Auf so einer E-Book App habe ich mit mal die Leseprobe von Harry Potter und der Stein der weisen (bzw. Harry Potter and the Phylosophers Stone) und ich habe es eigentlich ziemlich gut verstanden. Ich habe noch keines der HP Bücher gelesen (falls das irgendwie wichtig ist um die Frage zu beantworten)

Englisch lernen, Buch, Schule, Harry Potter, Englisch-Deutsch, Filme und Serien
Writing a Leaflet?


Wie findet ihr diesen Leaflet? Folgende Punkte müssen beantwortet werden:

  • give information about the centre
  • discuss why being there is beneficial for the refugees
  • suggest events to bring the community closer together


Use your time! – Everybody is welcome! (Hauptüberschrift)
Have you ever thought about joining the local youth centre Yolo? Wouldn’t you like to make new friends and have fun while learning new skills? If yes, then we have an exciting opportunity for you.
What is the Yolo local youth centre?
Yolo is a place where young people come together to learn and build a sense of community. We provide various activities that can help you improve your German and social skills, as well as your computer skills. This can ultimately increase your chances of finding a job.
Why Yolo is the best!
Learning German is an essential skill for refugees and migrants living in Germany. Not only in your job, also when you ask for advice. Yolo provides a supportive environment for young refugees to learn and practice German, while also meeting and interacting with other young people in their community.
But guess what: That is not all. The world also gets more and more modern. You learn everything you need to know about computers nowadays at this centre.
Events to bring the community closer together!
At Yolo, we organize several social events every week to bring our community closer together. These events include cultural festivals, sports tournaments, and even swimming trips. One of our most popular events is the weekly football match on Saturdays. It's a great way to get active and have fun with other teenagers.
So what are you waiting for? Join us today by writing to youthcentreyolo@gmail.com .
And if you are feeling overwhelmed, do not hesitate to contact our support.
See you soon!
Englisch lernen, Englisch, USA, Text, Übersetzung, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, comment
If clauses Typ 1, 2, 3-was setzte ich ein?


Ich habe da mal eine Frage:

Ich schreibe am Donnerstag in Englisch eine Klausur und habe das Thema if clauses. Ich habe auch Übungsblätter bekommen, komme auch überall klar nur hierbei nicht. Ich verstehe wie man die drei Typen bildet und wann man welchen verwendet. Damit ihr wisst, was ich weis;

If clauses Typ I:

- Verwendung: um über eine mögliche Handlung in der Zukunft zu sprechen, die von einer Bedingung abhängt, die in der Gegenwart erfüllt ist.

- Bildung: if + Präsens, Futur I

- Beispiel: If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home.

If clauses Typ II:

- Verwendung: um über eine unrealistische oder unwahrscheinliche Handlung in der Gegenwart oder Zukunft zu sprechen.

- Bildung: if + Präteritum, Konditional II

- Beispiel: If I had a million dollars, I would buy a house.

If clauses Typ III:

- Verwendung: um über eine Handlung in der Vergangenheit zu sprechen, die nicht stattgefunden hat, aber hätte stattfinden können, wenn eine Bedingung erfüllt worden wäre.

- Bildung: if + Plusquamperfekt, Konditional II (Perfekt)

- Beispiel: If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.

Bei der einen Aufgabe komme ich aber nicht weiter. Ich muss nähmlich selber entscheiden, was ich einsetzte. Was ich jetzt nicht verstehe: Kann man nicht überall alles einsetzten? Ich meine, ich weiß in der Aufgabe nich, ob es sich um die Zukunft, Gegenwart, oder Vergangenheit handelt. Leider habe ich keine Lösungen dazu. Aber weiß vielleicht jemand woran ich das erkennen kann. Oder kann ich normalerweise wirklich überall jeden Typ einsetzen?

Würde mich über Antworten freuen, danke! ;)

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Englisch lernen, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, If clauses
describe a cartoon?

Hey Leute, meine Aufgabestellung lautet: describe the picture and discuss the truth about this stereotype in a text of min. 100 words on your own.

Habe ich es richtig beschrieben? Habt ihr Änderungs-Verbesserungvorschläge?

On this cartoon we can see two situations: on the first one we see a man drowning and another man walking his dog on the path walk. The drowning man is asking for help but the man with the dog doesn't even bother to look at him. On the second one we have the same situation, but, this time, the man with the dog actually helps the other man. The difference is that this time, the drowning man is polite when he asks for help and that made all the difference. Instead of just shouting for help, he said: "Excuse me, Sir. I'm terribly sorry to bother you, but I wonder if you would mind helping me a moment, as long as it's no trouble, of course.". This cartoon portrays the British's politenes. Of course that in real life no one would be so polite when drowning; we would just shout "help" like the man in the first situation. But, we have to face it: British are more polite than everybody else. I'm not saying that the ones who aren't British are inferior or less educated, but it's true that they often forget words like "please" and "thank you". On this cartoon being polite makes the difference between life and death. It may be a little extreme, but who knows if it may or may not come true. So, if you happen to have a son, a daughter, a student who misbehaves and has lack of politeness, or if you just want them to be even more polite or educated than what you taught them to br, send them to England. Undoubtedly, they would thank you. At least, I know I would.

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Englisch lernen, Englisch, Schule, Cartoon, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, English-Grammar, Bildbeschreibung, Diskussionsrunde
Stimmt dieser Blog Entry wie ich es geschrieben habe?

Hallo Leute ,

Stimmt dieser Blog Entry wie ich es geschrieben habe also von der Rechtschreibung her und ob es die punkte von der Angabe entsprecht.

Das sind die ganzen Punkte:

  1. Point out the benefits of taking up a zero waste lifestyle
  2. describe the difficulties that my occur
  3. Suggest alternatives to using plastic in everyday life

Blog Entry:

by .....

date 16.04.2023 

Save the World!!

Protecting the environment is very important for me, and we have to do something for our future if we want to live the same way we do now. Animals are dying because they eat a plastic bag, and this makes me very sad. The environment is in our hands, and we can do everything to save it and try to change our lives. Many people waste their energy and don't think about the environment because they say we can't do anything, but we can. Many people use too much water while showering and don´t turn their laptops of standby. People take cars for short distances, buy too much new clothing, and use plastic bags. They don´t buy organic food, only food in plastic bags, and don´t separate their waste. I have some advice for you on how to become a green person and try to save our beautiful planet. Try to shower for only five minutes to save water. Don't use plastic bags; instead, bring your own bag with you. It saves money, and you can use it many times. Buy organic food but that also costs a lot of money. You can grow your own vegetables if you have a garden, or you can go to a farmer's market. You can start with simple things and save our green planet.

Did you like my blog? What do you think about saving the environment?

What do you do at home to save our planet? Write everything down in the comments!

Englisch lernen, Text
Text in Englisch mit Thema healthy life?

Hello people! Here is Leo and I'm 16 years old. Today's topic is my healthy life. First of all 1 my food habits I do to stay healthy will say something about and then I tell you my daily activities. My day every beginn with a large glass of water. Then I fast prepare my breakfast. I mostly eat at break- eggs, bread with cream cheese and vegetables like tomatos or Cucumber. and at dinner I At lunch 1 often eat eat for salad or example pasta whole grain per bread. For me it is very important that I eat day at least one band fruits and vegetables. This food include many vitamins and minerals, which are important for our health. Furthermore I make Sure that I eat enough protein, because I do weight training. And last but not least you should drink between 2-3 liter water and less soft drinks, because they have a lot of sugar and calories.. Another important aspect for a healthy lifestyle are daily activities. So I do every day 10.000 sleps and that should you do too. On the top of that I go three days a Heek to a and there I do sport. At the beginning gym a warm up, then I do Height training for at least one hours and finally 30 minutes cardio training. That are my sport routine. What do you do for sport ? I would be happy if you share an another entry with your healthy life tips. Now I wish all readers a sporty and healthy day and don't forget your restday.
Bye Leo

In Ordnung für 10. Klasse und bitte berichtigen bei Fehlern nur so kann ich daraus lernen.

Oben verschrieben erste und zweite Satz!

Englisch lernen, Text, Übersetzung, Aufsatz, Auslandsjahr, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, comment