Englisch Arbeit Text über Globale Erwärmung?


ich Bin in der 9. klasse und gehe auf eine real Schule

ich schreibe morgen eine englisch Arbeit, und muss wahrscheinlich auch ein Text über globale Erwärmung schreiben

wie ist dieser Text?

Was würdet ihr ändern? Ist er in Ordnung?

,,Global warming is the average temperature increasing all over the world over an extended period of time. But it doesn't mean it's happening equally all over the world.

The burning of fossil fuels, deforestation and animal husbandry are increasingly affecting the Earth's climate and temperature.

The amount of naturally occurring greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increases enormously, which intensifies the greenhouse effect and global warming.

You can also do something about global warming if you use bicycles and public transport instead of driving your own car or if you can choose to use electric cars because they have a better climate footprint.

You can also pay attention to which country your fruit and vegetables come from next time you go to the supermarket. It is best to try to buy fruit or vegetables that are locally sourced, as this way you can reduce the distance that the food needs to get to you.

Polar bears are also dying due to global warming as they have less and less habitat because the ice is melting.

Glaciers have been melting for more than 20 years. In addition, sea levels are rising, resulting in flooding.

In countries where it is very hot, forest fires occur, such as in Turkey.

Because of climate change, around 40% of all insects may become extinct.“

Arbeit, Englisch lernen, Englisch, Schule, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Lehrer, Lehrerin, Rechtschreibung, comment
If clauses Typ 1, 2, 3-was setzte ich ein?


Ich habe da mal eine Frage:

Ich schreibe am Donnerstag in Englisch eine Klausur und habe das Thema if clauses. Ich habe auch Übungsblätter bekommen, komme auch überall klar nur hierbei nicht. Ich verstehe wie man die drei Typen bildet und wann man welchen verwendet. Damit ihr wisst, was ich weis;

If clauses Typ I:

- Verwendung: um über eine mögliche Handlung in der Zukunft zu sprechen, die von einer Bedingung abhängt, die in der Gegenwart erfüllt ist.

- Bildung: if + Präsens, Futur I

- Beispiel: If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home.

If clauses Typ II:

- Verwendung: um über eine unrealistische oder unwahrscheinliche Handlung in der Gegenwart oder Zukunft zu sprechen.

- Bildung: if + Präteritum, Konditional II

- Beispiel: If I had a million dollars, I would buy a house.

If clauses Typ III:

- Verwendung: um über eine Handlung in der Vergangenheit zu sprechen, die nicht stattgefunden hat, aber hätte stattfinden können, wenn eine Bedingung erfüllt worden wäre.

- Bildung: if + Plusquamperfekt, Konditional II (Perfekt)

- Beispiel: If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.

Bei der einen Aufgabe komme ich aber nicht weiter. Ich muss nähmlich selber entscheiden, was ich einsetzte. Was ich jetzt nicht verstehe: Kann man nicht überall alles einsetzten? Ich meine, ich weiß in der Aufgabe nich, ob es sich um die Zukunft, Gegenwart, oder Vergangenheit handelt. Leider habe ich keine Lösungen dazu. Aber weiß vielleicht jemand woran ich das erkennen kann. Oder kann ich normalerweise wirklich überall jeden Typ einsetzen?

Würde mich über Antworten freuen, danke! ;)

Bild zum Beitrag
Englisch lernen, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, If clauses
Englisch Artikel bitte korrigieren oder umschreiben?

Hallo Leute, könnt ihr eventuell diesen Artikel lesen und wenn da Fehler sind, es zu korrigieren oder umzuschreiben? Wäre super nett von euch, meine Hausübung wird nämlich benotet und schreibt noch euren Feedback rein, ich danke euch :)

Los Angeles has seen the evil

A recent school shooting in Los Angeles has brought the issue of school safety in the bad light. So, people became aware of these happening. On 30th April 2023, two 17-year-old students have armed their high school with two guns which left 11 people dead and 5 injured. This incident has left people worried about the safety of students and staff at schools.

Gun violence, especially in schools, is still a national crisis in the United States and migrants are still allowed to carry a gun because of the “national firearms agreement”. Due to the licenses of weapons, such acts are occurring more and more frequently. In order to protect students and school staff, most schools have security guards. There are also usually controls at the entrances. As a way to prevent non-schoolers from entering the school, they have their own school cards, which clearly show the identifies of the students. In addition, the police have increased their presence at schools.

Students, who have witnessed such incident, are usually traumatised and can hardly cope without psychological help. Many students and parents report terrible feelings and perceptions. “I was so scared when I heard gunshots. I ran and hid under a desk until the police came. Now I’m afraid to come back to school,” says a victim who survived this cruelty. Parents were calling desperately for their children, they even got more scared when they didn’t respond. These are just a few. As a result, the police has to deal with such incidents more and more often. “It is nothing scary anymore, we are already used to it”, claims a policeman. “We are already best prepared for such acts”, adds another officer. They have certain educations and trainings for these hardships.

Due to the school shooting on April 30th, this issue is more present than ever. Many students and parents are extremely frightened that they can also be victims. This clearly shows that much more could be done preventively.

Englisch lernen, Englisch, Deutsch, Schule, Mathematik, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, summary, comment
Writing a Leaflet?


Wie findet ihr diesen Leaflet? Folgende Punkte müssen beantwortet werden:

  • give information about the centre
  • discuss why being there is beneficial for the refugees
  • suggest events to bring the community closer together


Use your time! – Everybody is welcome! (Hauptüberschrift)
Have you ever thought about joining the local youth centre Yolo? Wouldn’t you like to make new friends and have fun while learning new skills? If yes, then we have an exciting opportunity for you.
What is the Yolo local youth centre?
Yolo is a place where young people come together to learn and build a sense of community. We provide various activities that can help you improve your German and social skills, as well as your computer skills. This can ultimately increase your chances of finding a job.
Why Yolo is the best!
Learning German is an essential skill for refugees and migrants living in Germany. Not only in your job, also when you ask for advice. Yolo provides a supportive environment for young refugees to learn and practice German, while also meeting and interacting with other young people in their community.
But guess what: That is not all. The world also gets more and more modern. You learn everything you need to know about computers nowadays at this centre.
Events to bring the community closer together!
At Yolo, we organize several social events every week to bring our community closer together. These events include cultural festivals, sports tournaments, and even swimming trips. One of our most popular events is the weekly football match on Saturdays. It's a great way to get active and have fun with other teenagers.
So what are you waiting for? Join us today by writing to youthcentreyolo@gmail.com .
And if you are feeling overwhelmed, do not hesitate to contact our support.
See you soon!
Englisch lernen, Englisch, USA, Text, Übersetzung, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, comment
Englisch Text korrigieren oder umschreiben?

Hallo liebe Community,

ich wollte euch fragen, ob ihr eventuell meinen Englisch Text korrigieren und wenn der Satz generell nicht stimmen sollte, umschreiben könnt? Ich habe versuch in ein leichtes Englisch zu schreiben, weil meine Lehrerin das auch besser bewertet also ein kompliziertes Englisch. Ich würde mich echt freuen wenn ihr mir helfen könnt! :)

Hi Leah,

I came across your blog post about your opinion about Shakespeare's poems. You claim that they are all boring and have strange illusions. Well, I really don't agree with you, but I want to introduce you one of my favourite poems by William Shakespear "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?"

Let me summarize this masterpiece for you: The Sonnet starts with a flattering question "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?". William Shakespeare explains that his love is as beautiful as the most beautiful things in the world, such as a summer’s day. In the next line, he rejects this idea immediately. He says that the beauty of summer is fleeting and that it will eventually be replaced by the harshness of winter. However, the speaker also claims that the person’s beauty will be immortalized in the poem, since her beauty will supposedly never fade or die. This special thing about her is what gives her life and it’s a tribute to how couples see their partner as the only one for them.

In my opinion, it is a poem of admiration and adoration, almost certainly the best known piece of Shakespeare’s work. The simplicity and loveliness of this poem is outstanding and one of the main reasons for the poem’s success. The major themes in Sonnet 18 are the timelessness, nature, love, beauty and the death and immortality. I think the main theme is timeless and I specifically like it because it is a deeper theme of immortalization. Lack of time is a theme that has and will affect humans forever and therefore the wish for eternity reflects a universal experience.

Let me know what you think now about this poem. Don't worry, I am not mad if you still defend your opinion but let me know if you have changed your mind! :)

Englisch lernen, Englisch, Deutsch, Schule, Text, Thema, Übersetzung, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, comment
Stimmt dieser Blog Entry wie ich es geschrieben habe?

Hallo Leute ,

Stimmt dieser Blog Entry wie ich es geschrieben habe also von der Rechtschreibung her und ob es die punkte von der Angabe entsprecht.

Das sind die ganzen Punkte:

  1. Point out the benefits of taking up a zero waste lifestyle
  2. describe the difficulties that my occur
  3. Suggest alternatives to using plastic in everyday life

Blog Entry:

by .....

date 16.04.2023 

Save the World!!

Protecting the environment is very important for me, and we have to do something for our future if we want to live the same way we do now. Animals are dying because they eat a plastic bag, and this makes me very sad. The environment is in our hands, and we can do everything to save it and try to change our lives. Many people waste their energy and don't think about the environment because they say we can't do anything, but we can. Many people use too much water while showering and don´t turn their laptops of standby. People take cars for short distances, buy too much new clothing, and use plastic bags. They don´t buy organic food, only food in plastic bags, and don´t separate their waste. I have some advice for you on how to become a green person and try to save our beautiful planet. Try to shower for only five minutes to save water. Don't use plastic bags; instead, bring your own bag with you. It saves money, and you can use it many times. Buy organic food but that also costs a lot of money. You can grow your own vegetables if you have a garden, or you can go to a farmer's market. You can start with simple things and save our green planet.

Did you like my blog? What do you think about saving the environment?

What do you do at home to save our planet? Write everything down in the comments!

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