Grammatikalische/Inhaltliche Korrektur?

 Hallo^^ Könnte sich vielleicht jemand die Zeit nehmen, und meinen Letter of Intent korrekturlesen in beider grammatikalischer und inhaltlicher Hinsicht? Das wäre super nett!!


Dear Iuliu Haţieganu University of Medicine Admissions Comittee:

Thank you very much for considering me as a potential student at the Iuliu Haţieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca. My name is ... and I’m hereby applying for a place at this very prestigious university.

My interest for human medicine came into being by watching my father work. He owns a quite big and successful general practitioner’s office and currently operates six physicians beside him. When I was younger I helped out the medical assistants for a short period of time during my holidays, doing some computer work to oppose the regular rush of patients. When I had nothing to do, I’d watch my father treat the patients and ever since then I’ve been eager to do the same. To learn about the human body, how it works, how illnesses of every kind develop and originate, and how to treat them. How to help people convalesce and free them as much as possible from their burdens. I’ve worked in the nursing sector a few times by now, trying to live out that passion already. Last year, I was part of the Maltese pilgrimage to Lourdes twice, and took care of the sick and old people to let them have an emotional and rare experience. This involved nursing duties like washing and bathing, dressing, feeding, giving medicine, pushing wheelchairs etc. Next month, from April to May, I am going to volunteer at a hospital in Kerala (India), where I hope to gather as much practical experience as possible to help and prepare me with my medical studies.

I came across the Iuliu Haţieganu University through my cousin. Just last year, my cousin graduated successfully at this university in Romania, and he’s really recommended it to me. Not only were the people and the location quite nice, especially the study system very much spoke to him and let him start working as an assistant doctor with a good basis. I’ve researched the Iuliu Haţieganu University a lot, discussed many aspects about it with my cousin, and have come to the conclusion that this university would be the best for me to apply and graduate at. This is because of the exceptional and professional staff, the individualized, high-quality education and many verbal recommendations I’ve received. By graduating at the Iuliu Haţieganu University I hope to complete the first step to make a career as a doctor, either at the hospital or as a general practitioner afterwards. I’m not setting that in stone yet so I can make different experiences in several sections of human medicine and decide at the end where I enjoy to work the most and in which field I’d be the best enrichment for everyone, especially the patients. In case of admission, which I really hope because this university is my top choice, I’d immediately accept. I want to actively contribute to the university with my purposeful studying and successful graduation, helping the people around me while studying with mental support and of course later on as a doctor on furthermore a health-wise basis. I wouldn’t have any problem looking for a room to stay and making first personal aquaintances due to my cousin’s knowledge and connections and am eager to make Cluj-Napoca my home.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration, I’m hopeful for the chance to be admitted, and, in this case, to simultanously benefit from the Iuliu Haţieganu University of Medicine incoming class of 2024 and contribute to it as well.

Yours sincerely,

Medizin, Englisch, Studium, Bewerbung, Text, englische Grammatik, Grammatik, Inhalt, Medizinstudium, Rechtschreibung, Rumänien, Universität
Englischen Text: Wie würdet ihr den bewerten?

Hallo ich habe einen essay geschrieben über compulsory first aid courses for fourteen year olds und das ist ein maturabeispiel gewesen und ich wollte fragen, ob jemand das durchlesen könnte und es bewerten könnte, welche note das wäre, vor allem mit den fehlern und so. Ich habe den Text komplett alleine geschrieben und das in 20 Minuten, weil bei der Matura haben wir sehr wenig Zeit für zwei Texte also nur eine Stunde. Ich würde mich echt freuen. :)

Nowadays young people has access to more goods like education. In our modernity, they can extend their knowledge pretty easily as technology, for instance, is spread all over the world and as they can attain school which offers a ton of diverse subjects. However, people still argue that many of these don’t teach valuable lessons about the real life. Instead, young people already want to accomplish experiences that educate them for certain situations, perhaps helping someone out in hazardous situations. In result of these arguably issues, people suggest signing 14-year olds up for compulsory first aid courses.

Compulsory first aid courses can be ideal and influential for young people collecting more real life based experiences. Moreover, they can even give them an insight on how a situation can alter in only one instant and how people can put themselves in danger, precisely fighting against death. Teaching sessions about helping someone, in terms of surviving, can reflect young people’s interests. Some students already complain on having deplorable teaching sessions at school, regardless of their subject area. Maths, science, biology,  physics might enforce their intellectual thoughts but what about focusing on their mind set. Are they even that mentally stable to handle emergency situations? Would they even risk themselves to help someone out after they crashed their car into a tree? Are they even willing to sacrifice themselves and is it even worth?

At this point, students would take school more seriously as compulsory first aid courses influence students mental mind set. In this case, the integration of first aid courses into school is essential for young people. 14 year olds must bear the importance of life teaching sessions. So, the government need to go after their obligations to pay these courses. After all, education should be free and accessible to everyone. School subjects should not only consist of languages or natural sciences, but the government also have to consider the fact that students have to train their cognitive skills as well.

Moreover, the government can also detect people’s reactions would shape in a deferential way if the education system would be more comprehensive and creative. I mean, how can someone not find it intriguing that the education system develops more on its way to be immaculate. It would pique everybody’s curiosity how young people desirably helps out to change the world into a better place. Knowledge has the power for it.

In conclusion, it can be said that if someone comes up with compulsory first aid courses, it should be already associated in the school’s education system. Fourteen year old should be, at this degree, handle emergency situations and activate their human instincts to sacrifice themselves. 

Englisch lernen, Englisch, Deutsch, Schule, Mathematik, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Aufsatz, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, summary, comment
Kann jemand das für mich korrigieren? Ich soll Stative und Dynamic verben einsetzen?


Have you read the newspaper article about Susi Shine? It says she IS EXPLOITING (exploit) Chinese labourers. Actually, that SOUND (sound) terrible.

HEATHER: | AM WORKING (work) on a class project and didn't have time to read go papers. I DOUBT (doubt) that a successful celebrity like her would do anything like that.

JOE: it is true. I PROMISE (promise). After she became famous as a singer started designing clothes and shoes. She IS MAKING (make) money with her fancy dresses and her shoes. And now she even OWN (own) a company that produces her clothes and shoes in China! Three activists investigated labour conditions at this factory that SEEM (seem) to produce shoes under terrible working conditions.

HEATHER: Oh, yes. Sure, I REMEMBER (remember) the news! The three activists ARE WORKING (work) for China Labor Watch, which is based in New York.

They ARE INVESTIGATING (investigate) this factory in China. How could I forget?


Exactly, the activists INDENT (intend) to publish a report showing that Susi Shine BELONG (belong) to the group of business people who ARE ACCEPTINV (accept) low pay, massive overtime, crude verbal

abuse and unacceptable misuse of labour in Chinese factories to increase their profit.

Englisch lernen, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Aufsatz, Auslandsjahr, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, summary, comment
Ist das ein guter Essay (Englisch)?

Heeeey, ich schriebe morgen ein Englischarbeit und wir sollen dann über einen Film einen Essay schreiben, ich habe heute mal geübt über den Film ,,die Eiskönigin" und och wollte mal nachfragen, ob das so okay ist, also ist das gut so?

(Bitte ignoriert einfach Rechtschreibfehler)


The Film “Frozen” is an animated Disney Film released in 2013. The story revolves around sisters Elsa and Anna and Elsa was born with magical ice powers. She runs away and Anna wants to find her. The film is a very good film for the whole family because it has a lot of emotions and it wouldn’t be boring.

The Film is about two sisters Anna and Elsa and Elsa was born with magical powers, but she cant control them. So she runs away to the mountains to live alone, because she turns Arendell to an very long winter. Anna go together with Olaf the Snowman, Kristoff and his reindeer Sven to bring back the Summer. Bacause of Elsa Annas hair turns white and Sven brings her back to the castel to Prince Hans, because only true love can save her life. Olaf cames and do a fire, but Anna leave the castel to seek Kristoff. At the same Time Hans wanted to kill Elsa,because he want the castle for himself. But then Anna turns Into Ice and Elsa was very sad, so she hugs her sister Anna and then Anna returns to normal and Elsa can Controll her ice Powers.

My favourite Character is Olaf the Snowman. I like him because he’s a bit funny and he tells jokes at a difficult Situation. And I like him because he’s friendly and ready to help.

My favourite Scene is the Scene with Olaf and Anna next to the Fire. The Scene when Olaf was very happy because he saw Kristoff and Sven coming back to the Castle. I like it, because Olaf try to help Anna and he say she has to stay next to the fire to keep warm. And I like it, because Olaf is very happy when he saw Kristoff and Sven come back to the Castle.

My favourite Quote is ‘‘some People are worth melting for‘‘ from Olaf. I like it, because it‘s from Olaf and it shows that you like someone very much, if you would do this for someone. So it shows that you are ready to do something like that for someone.

The first lesson you can learn from the film is, that you shouldn’t trust anyone you’ve only know for one day, because it can be very dangerouse and you really don’t know the person very well. The second lesson is, you don’t have to give up, when you try something. When you really want to do something, then you dont have to give up very early.

The Film Frozen is a very good disney film for everyonen. It is very adenturous and also a bit sad. The film is definitely a film you should watch.

Könnte ich das in der Englischarbeit ungefähr auch so machen?

Ich hoffe jemand kann mir helfen, danke schonmal


Englisch lernen, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Aufsatz, Auslandsjahr, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, summary, comment
Englisch seit der 5 Klasse nichts verstanden (jetzt 10Kl)?

Hallo, Ich habe ein großes Problem! Ich war früher in der Grundschule in Englisch ganz gut , doch als ich dann in der 5.Klasse war hab ich gar nichts gecheckt. Wirklich gar nichts schon an der ersten Stunde. Die Lehrerinn dachte oft das es mich null Interessiert oder das ich nicht aufpasse obwohl ich hallt nie was gecheckt habe. Vielleich hat es auch daran gelegen weil ich schon mein Leben lang sehr nachdenklich bin was auch der Grund sein kann weshalb ich damals auch einiges nicht mitbekommen habe. Wen ich dann mal eine frage stellen wollte hat sie immer blöd und Laut ,,NEIN keine fragen jetzt'' gesagt und es kam dazu das ich mich gar nicht informieren konnte. Die anderen hatten alles schon vorher verstanden ich aber nicht deswegen musste ich einfach diese Fragen stellen und dementsprechend auch beantwortet bekommen. Tja die zeit ist vergangen und vergangen und jetzt bin ich in der 9.Klasse und in 4 Monaten komme ich nach den Sommerferien in die 10.Klasse. Bis her hab ich immer auf dem Zeugnis in Englisch eine knappe vier bekommen. Paarmal auch eine Fünf. In den Klassenarbeiten oft Fünf aber auch oft Vier. Die Vieren habe ich nur bekommen weil ich noch wenigstens die Aufgaben mit den Vokabeln machen konnte. Bei der Grammatik und den Hörverstehen hat es dann immer gescheitert. Jetzt ist der Punkt gekommen wo ich gemerkt habe das ich langsam Flüssig Schreiben und sprechen muss, was ich jetzt gar nicht kann. Ich habe wirklich keine Ahnung vom Sätze bilden und der Grammatik. Ich fühle mich sehr überfordert und habe gar keine Ahnung wie ich jetzt noch lernen kann Englisch zu sprechen. Ich weiß nicht wo ich anfangen soll und was ich lernen und machen soll! (Bitte keine Nachhilfe als Lösung das habe ich schon so oft versucht) Nicht mal die Nachhilfe versteht dieses Problem hier obwohl ich es oft genug erklärt habe. Ich verstehe auch nicht wen ich die Grammatik kann wann ich sie einsetzen muss und wann ich was sagen muss. ICH VERSTEHE EINFACH GAR NICHTS MEHR. VERFI**** SCHEI*** Das regt mich auf man. BITTE KANN MIR EINER WIRKLICH HELFEN, BITTE!

Englisch lernen, Schule, Nachhilfe, Bildung, 10.Klasse, 9. Klasse, Abitur, englische Grammatik, Grammatik, Klassenarbeit, Sprache lernen, Sprechen, Vokabeln, Zurückgeblieben

"Did you ever catch yourself living in the past and losing focus on reality and presence? To some extent, it's totally normal to reflect upon great memories and experiences, but there are also some boundaries: If you are craving about the past rather than enjoying the here and now, this will lead to you always being unhappy with yourself and your surroundings. I am here to tell you that the past is there to remind you of all the great experiences you have had in your life, but you can't stick to them life-long . Even beautiful things have their ends, and you need to realize that. Just because your life goes on or some things have changed in your life, making that experience not relivable, it does not necessarily mean that your life will never be as great as it was. And remember: Maybe you are missing out on great people while crying over your best friend you lost and who was never good for you. All the changes you face are meant to occur. Despite all the shifts, there is someone who will always stay and never betray you: That's you and yourself! So don't stick to the past and other people if there are thousands of miles you need to discover before life really ends for you. Enjoy every minute and be grateful for having food, clean water, nice people, and a comfy place to live in!"

Wie kann ich den Text noch sprachlich verbessern?

Englisch lernen, USA, Text, Übersetzung, Abitur, Aufsatz, Auslandsjahr, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung, summary, comment
Frage in Englisch?


kann jemanden mir helfen , die folgende Texte mit Englisch einfache wörtern zu beschrieben? Vielen Dank voraus.

For weeks, I had been buzzing with excitement over the barbecue I planned to host. My friends list was curated, the choicest cuts of meat and freshest vegetables were bought, and reminders were sent out via phone and text. The thrill of hosting mixed with nerves and a slight fear of unforeseen mishaps. Yet, by the morning of the barbecue, a wave of relaxation washed over me, confident that all would go well.

As the day progressed, my backyard buzzed with the arrival of friends, their voices a melody of reunion and joy. But nature had its own plan. Just as we settled into the festivities, the skies opened up, sending down sheets of rain that turned our outdoor gala into a scramble for shelter inside my not-so-spacious home. My heart sank. The disappointment was palpable, mixing with a cocktail of emotions—anger at the weather's betrayal, devastation over the ruined vision, and a surprising flicker of relief that at least the rain hadn't started earlier.

We adapted, crowding into the living room, the grill now sadly abandoned outside. The initial disappointment that clouded the event gradually lifted, as the indoor confines led to spontaneous laughter, closer conversations, and shared stories that might not have emerged under the open sky. What started as a day marked by dismay transformed into an intimate gathering, its memory etched not by the disappointment but by the resilience of friendship and the warmth of shared moments. In the end, the day was a reminder that sometimes, the best memories are born from the unexpected.

Englisch lernen, Text, Übersetzung, englische Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung
Wie verwendet man das singuläre „they“ im Englischen richtig?

Guten Abend Allerseits,

ich hatte heute leider eine kleine Diskussion mit meinem Englischlehrer, aber ich glaube dass wir einfach aneinander vorbei geredet haben (und ich mag diesen Lehrer bzw den Unterricht, und wollte deswegen keinen weiteren Konflikt aufbauen).

Es geht (wie oben schon geschrieben) um das singuläre „they“ im Englischen.

Es gab eine Aufgabe, in der wir direkte in indirekte Rede umwandeln sollten; wenn man das Geschlecht einer Person nicht kennt oder das Geschlecht nicht angegeben werden soll/darf, dann kann man doch das they als einzel-Person-beschreibung (statt he oder she) verwenden (also nicht im nichtbinär-sein-Kontext sondern als „Platzhalter“)

Das dachte ich zumindest. Also zum Beispiel statt „He ate some Salad“ „They ate some Salad“…

Mein Lehrer meinte daraufhin, dass das schon geht, aber nur bei einem Satz mit everyone geht. Also z.B. „Everyone grabbed their bags“ weil man da ja nicht schreiben kann „Everyone grabbed his/her bag-?-s“

Und er sagte sonst gibt es NUR die mehrzahl-Form von „they“.

(Er argumentierte dann weiter von wegen ich hätte kein Englisch studiert.)

Ich habe einen Artikel von der Oxford Dictionary gefunden (geschrieben von einem Englisch-Professor), da steht dass es das singuläre they schon sehr lange gibt, aber da kam auch nur das everyone…they/their - Beispiel

Weiß irgendjemand was hier stimmt? Zu meiner Verteidigung, ich bin im Internet so gut wie nur auf Englisch unterwegs (auch wenn ich normale Dinge google) und auf Instagram und Youtube ausschließlich auf Englisch und da sagen das Leute oft einfach so (wenn sie das Geschlecht einer Person z.B. nicht wissen oder nicht veröffentlichen wollen)

Englisch lernen, Schule, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Lehrer

Meistgelesene Fragen zum Thema Englische Grammatik