
Hallo! In Englisch sollen wir einen Aufsatz über den Brexit schreiben. Kann jemand meinen durchlesen und mir vielleicht Tipps geben, was ich besser machen kann oder Beispiele hinzufügen?

Unthinkable. The UK no longer belongs to the EU. The exit was completed and after long negotiations England is outside the EU. Many Britons voted "Yes to Brexit" in the elections, despite the fact that only half of the population understood what they were voting for. After less than a year, the British noticed the enormous consequences and their ex-partner EU for help.


Firstly, the UK can regain its sovereignty, making it the controlling influence of having supreme authority.

Besides, the UK could follow Norway’s example and still trade with the EU even if they are not part of the EU.

Moreover, being free from restrictions would be beneficial. They could make their own laws and control immigration.                

On the other hand, there are many arguments against the Brexit.

Initially, many Britains could lose their jobs. If their job is linked to the EU and the job is no longer needed, then millions of them must look out for a new job.

Furthermore, Britain could lose its influence. As part of the European Union, member states have more power than being a middle-ranking country. If we glance back at history, we can see that the UK has lost a lot of his power, meaning that it would lose even more.

Besides, leaving the EU will make the UK politically and economically suffer. Britain used to be the EU’s main trading partner. Leaving would mean that they are not enabled to move goods, services and people like they did before. They will also become an outsider.


Considering the pros and cons, I think it is hard to make a decision. As with so many things, only time will tell whether the Brexit was right or wrong. It is also not certain that other states will not leave the UK. In my opinion, the member states primarily see the financial advantage of the EU, but if sovereignty is more important to the UK, I can totally understand that.

Englisch, Schule, Hausaufgaben, Essay, Brexit
Englisch Grammatik Hilfe Text

Hallo, könnte mal jemand über diesen Text schauen und nach der Grammatik gucken, ob da alles passt? Das wäre toll (;

The role oft he movie industry in the ‘Greyhound Tragedy’ story

Who does not dream to be a star in Hollywood? The girl in the story doing it, she has a big dream. She wants to be a famous personality, like the people in her magazines. Her father has a different opinion, he wants his daughter to deal with real things and marry a young Ford salesman. Her father is he manager of a Penny’s, he knows how the hard, real life goes, therefore he dislike the plan of the girl, also because she is at home for just about 3 years, since she is out of Highshool. From 1929 to 1948 the Great Depression dominate the United States. It began in August 1929, when the United States economy first went into an economic recession. During this time, the desire to become famous in Los Angeles gave many people emotional foodhold. L.A. ist he biggest town in California and the heart oft he movie industry, because of that, this town is so legendary. The girl with the dream only sees the glory, positive site of the famous life. But many stars struggling with depressions, because they are always in public and they have to act perfectly. Every false face, every wrong step, every stupid comment…the press speculate about everything and they publish, what the majority want to read. They tear up their mouths about everything. The girl is oblivious, she wants this wants to be a star and she wants to die like a star - beautiful. Mostly, this are the dreams of the younger generation. The movie industry dizzle them with glitter and glory. There are 3 possibilities how this ends: you become a star, you don’t become a star, or you do not even dare to go to Hollywood and end like the girl in the story, with a great life you don’t want.

Englisch, Deutsch, Amerika, Text, Übersetzung, Grammatik, übersetzen, Essay
Gedichtsinterpretation: Ansätze?

Schönen Abend, Liebe Community,

Ich muss für das Gedicht Schneeglöckchen von Joseph von Eichendorff soll ich eine Gedichtsinterpretation schreiben. Ich sitzt jetzt schon ewig an dieser Aufgabe und weiß wircklich nicht, was ich aus diesem Gedicht an Interpretationmaterial rausholen soll. Kann mir jemand vielleicht einige Ansätze raus schreiben, was zum Beispiel einige stilistischen Mitteln in diesem Gedicht für eine Bedeutung haben? Das wäre echt nett, denn ich brauch meistens immer erst mal etwas, sodass ich mich dann in die Sache reinsteigern kann..Nur leider fällt mir für den Anfang nichts ein..

's war doch wie ein leises Singen In dem Garten heute nacht, 

Wie wenn laue Lüfte gingen: "Süße Glöcklein, nun erwacht, 

Denn die warme Zeit wir bringen, 

Eh's noch jemand hat gedacht." -

 's war kein Singen, 's war ein Küssen,

 Rührt' die stillen Glöcklein sacht,

 Daß sie alle tönen müssen 

Von der künft'gen bunten Pracht.

 Ach, sie konnten's nicht erwarten, 

Aber weiß vom letzten Schnee

 War noch immer Feld und Garten, 

Und sie sanken um vor Weh.

 So schon manche Dichter streckten 

Sangesmüde sich hinab, 

Und der Frühling, den sie weckten, 

Rauschet über ihrem Grab.

Medizin, Deutsch, Schule, Geschichte, Sprache, Deutschland, Schüler, Abitur, Analyse, Aufsatz, Deutung, Gedicht, Gymnasium, Hausaufgaben, Interpretation, Latein, Lehrer, Lyrik, Oberstufe, Essay, AGnES, Dantons Tod, Deutschlehrer, metrum
My best frienddd

Habe bald Englisch Schularbeit und wollte fragen ob sich jemand meinen Text auf grammatikalische oder sprachliche Fehler ansehen könnte.

My best friend is Charlie. Charlie is 16 years old and lives in Wieselburg. I know him since my childhood and he has been always there for me. In the following text I want to describe his appearance and his qualities, which make him to the person he is.

Charlie is 1,8m high and is looking really sporty because he likes a lot of sports, which help him to hold his body in a good and healthy condition. He has brown, short hair and most of the time he is smiling because he is simply a happy person.

One of his starches is his generosity. He loves it to help other people if they are not understanding something at school or have any other problems. Moreover, he is a funny person and has always a good entertaining joke in stock. Although Charlie is such a funny person, he is also able to handle with responsibility. This feature makes him a good student. Last year he even has only ones in his school certificate.

Most of the time, if he does not have to do anything for school, he is playing outside with friends or helping in the household, which is not seen often seen nowadays. His greatest hobby is soccer. Charlie is spending nearly a hour per day on playing soccer because he wants to be a well-known football player if he is older. Not everyone can deserves his money by soccer because you have to be really good at playing football. I think his abition and enthusiasm will make him a good soccer player and that he has a real chance to become a famous football player.

All in all Charlie is a really funny and reliable person and I can be happy to have such a good friend like him.

Danke im Voraus:)

Englisch, Schule, Text, Personen, best friends, Friends, Personenbeschreibung, Essay
Ist das eine gute persuasive essay (Englisch Ersatzleistung Klasse 7 )?

Why you should play tennis 🎾


Tennis is a wonderful sport and I think more people should  play it. There are many reasons why people should play tennis. The first reason is that tennis is a great way to make new friends. You can easily go to the park or a tennis court and just ask someone if she or he would like to play some tennis with you and become friends with her or him. Another important thing is that tennis is a lifetime sport. I’ve seen 65 year old people still playing pretty well. Think about it this way, when you are old would you rather spend your hole life in front of a small window in a retirement home ? Or would you rather enjoy your life, by playing tennis and having fun? You’re probably still thinking that tennis is like any other sport and and that it’s nothing special. But do you know that tennis reduces stress. People who play tennis can deal with physical, mental and emotional challenges, which also helps to deal with stress. Soccer players can also deal with physical problems but they can’t deal with mental and emotional challenges. Because as a soccer player you are in a team and sharing the pain with the others. Tennis players are on their own and if they lose it's their fault.  Not the fault of the others, only their own fault.  It's like when a soccer player gets the blame from the hole team for losing the match. I also play tennis. I love this sport because after you have lost you work even harder than before and whether your next match is a loss or a victory you will feel the hard work you put into it. Tennis not only strengthens your mentality, it also makes your body stronger and you can live longer, get fitter and improve your hand eye coordination through this sport.  An hour of singles play can burn 580-870 calories and if you have 3 hours of training every week, you will even live longer! The fifth reason to play tennis is that tennis improves your brain power. it has been proven that the more you repeat an activity, the  stronger the neural connections in your brain will become. So when you play tennis, for which you need critical thinking and quick movements, you are improving your planning, tactical, agility, and coordination skills. Finally, the most important reason is that tennis teaches you a lot of lessons. Every tennis match is a small life lesson. It teaches you about hard work and how to believe in yourself. Through independence , endurance, confidence and determination, tennis teaches you how to be successful. I hope my text persuaded you! And hopefully I’ll see you on the tennis court one day!

Sport, Arbeit, Englisch, Schule, Tennis, Text, school, English-Grammar, Hausaufgaben, Essay, Ersatzleistung
Englisch Argumentative essay- homeschooling Verbesserung?

Hallo zusammen,

ich schreibe morgen eine Englisch Klassenarbeit über das Thema Argumentative Essay(9.te Klasse Gymnasium). Ich habe als eine Übung ein two-sided-comment über Homeschooling geschrieben. Vorweg schonmal, Ich bin nicht sehr gut in Englisch und ich weiß, dass dies kein guter Text ist. Ich würde mich über ein schnelles Feedback und möglicherweise über eine Grammatikalische oder auch Inhaltliche Verbesserung freuen.

Danke schonmal im Vorraus!

Last week a friend from Austria visited me and told me he is learning from home. So i asked myself , if homeschooling is better than presence school.

First, I will talk about the disadvantages and later about the advantages of homeschooling. To conclude I will summarize my arguments and share my personal opinion.

My first, strongest con Argument is about the contact with the other class mates you do not have, If you learn from home. Making social contact and finding friends is really important in the early development. Interchange about clothes, hair styles, hobbys, food, movies and so one is part of it. In addition most of the time you do homeschooling alone so you can feel lonely. To sum up, the social contact should be never neglected.

My second contra Argument is about the expensivity from homeschooling. Homeschooning can be really expensive because you have a private teacher who only teaches you. Private teachers have to create a learning plan, often personalized exercises and do conferences with you which are some factors for the expensivity. All in all the expensivity is a factor which speek against homeschooling.

Nevertheless, there are some important pro Arguments for home schooling.

My strongest pro Argument is the own learning speed. In presence school you are with many other studenst in the same class and the teacher follows the average speed, which can be really frustating, when the Teacher keeps going but you do not understand the topic. In homeschooling you have the advantage that the teacher goes with your own learning speed and can always explain specificaly for you. To sum up, If you have a fast or slow learning speed, homeschooling could be the solution for you.

My second pro Argument is that in home schooling can be no bullying. You are alone with your teacher and not with other students who can bully you. Safety is really important so you can fully focus on education without beeing scared. To sum up, this is a really important aspect because bullying is bad and need to be stopped.

To conclude the con points were that you have no contact with other students and homeschooling can be really expensive because the teacher only teaches you. My pro arguments were that you can learn with your own learning speed and finish topics when you finally understood them. My pro Argument was that in home schooling there is no bullying and bullying is bad and need to be stopped. I think that homeschooling should be individual allowed, for example for people with slow or fast learning speed.

Schule, Essay
Kann jemand freundlicherweise über meinen Englisch Aufsatz schauen?

Fair trade seeks to give workers in poorer countries a fair share of the profit from the goods that they produce. Is it important to buy fair trade products?

**Today, less and less companies produce in western countries. Instead, productions of material goods have been shifted from industrialized to so-called low-wage countries. This has concrete reasons: companies can be produced at lower costs and they can at the same time sell their products at a good price for consumers. That sounds good at first, but there is a catch. The consequences of cheap production are exploitation of people and workers and also of the environment and resources. People live in abject poverty. Often their children have to work because wages do not cover living expenses. Thereby these people have no access to basic health care and education. Not only does a broad crowd of the producer for our goods exposed cheap labor they are also in contact with a lot of toxic chemicals. That applies to the production of denim fabrics for example. To address this situation and to think of the interests of the developing nations, you can help with the purchase of Fair Trade products. Fair Trade offers a direct and easy way to improve the situation of producers. By buying fair trade products, consumers can contribute to socially, economically or environmentally sustainable production and at the same time also to take a stand against modern slavery. Sure, Fair Trade has disadvantages. The seal is also assigned if only a part complies with the production of the fair trade conditions. In addition there are reduced choice of products and fair trade is mostly more expensive as normal products. It is also important to noted that certification by seal is very expensive for companies. That means that products without Fair Trade seal could be fairly traded.

Nonetheless we are living in a world with a growing gap between rich and poor countries. The simple choice of what cocoa or coffee you buy can mean the difference between life and death for some of the world's poorest people. If people spend their money for Fair Trade products as for commercial companies that companies goes bankrupt and they are compelled to produce Fair Trade. Demand determines supply. As people who belong to the ‘’rich’’ of this world, it should be a concern for us to help the poor. To pay attention to our consumer behavior is a first and very helpful step towards justice. ** #### Headline ####

Englisch, Hausarbeit, Aufsatz, Erörterung, fairtrade, Klausur, Essay