My best frienddd

4 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

Hey :) Also so weit ich weiß heißt es doch : He has always been there for me ;) ich würde auch nicht he is ... m high, sondern "he is 1,8 m tall" und "he looks really sporty" -> denn er sieht ja immer so aus und nicht nur in diesem Moment ;) Schreib " he is a simply happy person (: UND VERGISS DAS " makeS " und "HELPs" - > Vorn ***** stimmt so :) anstatt "I can be happy to have ..." schreib " I am very grateful having such a good friend... mit dem Satzbau kann man immer punkten ;D "he loves helping other people" klingt , denke ich, auch besser. "...and always has a good joke in stock" Nach most of the time würde ich "when" anstatt "if" nehmen, weil er es ja zu der Zeit macht, in der er nicht für die Schule lernt ;) ich empfehle auch "helping his mom/ mother( kommt drauf an , ob du AE oder BE schreibst) zu schreiben " can deserve" oder schreib noch besser " is able to raise his money by playing soccer" und schreib "everybody" .. ich denke, dass es in deinem Kontext besser passt..kannst es natürlich auch so lassen, eigentlich bleibt die bedutung ja gleich :D Ja, das mit den Noten würde ich befürworten, also das Kommentar ok, kein Problem und gerne wieder ;) LG PS: tut mir Leid, das die "Korrektur" nicht in der richtigen Reihenfolge ist :o

Teacher007  14.11.2011, 06:13

"grateful" >>> greatful

"he is a simply happy person" >> he is a simply, (<<Komma) happy person

...ansonsten,ganz gut - Du hast ein Auge für`s Detaill - das ist SEHR gut


Kathy34  14.11.2011, 14:00

Du wohl eher nicht, zumal du myfunnyface in beiden Punkten falsch korrigiert hast:

  • Das Wort greatful gibt gar es nicht, grateful ist richtig (gratitude = Dankbarkeit, grateful = dankbar).
  • He is a simply happy person. ist ebenso richtig, da es übersetzt lautet: Er ist ein einfach glücklicher Mensch. (folglich ohne Komma).

Charlie is my best friend. He is 16 years old and lives in Wieselburg. I have known him since being a child and he has always been there for me. In the following text I would like to describe his appearance and his qualities which make him to that person he is.

Charlie is 1.8 m tall and looks really sporty because he does a lot of sports which helps him keeping his body in a good and healthy condition. He has brown, short hair and most of the time he keeps smiling, as he is just a cheery person.

One of his strengths is his generosity. He loves helping other people if they don't understand anything at school or have some other problems. Moreover, he is pretty hilarious and always has a good entertaining joke in stock. Although he is that funny, he is also able to act responsibly on the other hand. This feature makes him a good student. Last year, he only got A's in his school certificate.

Assuming that he doesn't have anything to do for school, most of the time he uses to play outside with his friends or keeps order regarding the household. The last mentioned doesn't take place very often nowadays. His favorite hobby is soccer. Charlie spends almost an hour per day on playing soccer because he wants to become a famous football player after getting older. Not everybody is able to earn one's money as a soccer, since you have to be really good at playing football. I think his ambition and enthusiasm will help him emerging a good soccer player which enables him getting the chance to become famous as well.

 15.11.2011, 16:17

möchte mich besonders bei Kathy34 und myfunnyface bedanken:)

 15.11.2011, 16:14


Kathy34  13.11.2011, 22:32

Sorry, das hätte ich fast übersehen:

All in all, Charlie really is a funny person who you can rely on and I am very happy to have such a good friend like him.


"Charlie is spending nearly a hour per day on playing soccer because he wants to be a well-known football player if he is older. Not everyone can deserves his money by soccer because you have to be really good at playing football." Ich würd hier an deiner Stelle entweder bei football oder soccer bleiben denn es ist ja eigentlich nicht das gleiche. Wahrscheinlich wolltest du nur Wortwiederholungen vermeiden aber das solltest du umschreiben. Sonst recht gelungener Text.

ganz oben: makes* 2. Text: helps* 3. Text: das mit dem last Year ... verändere es doch einfach mit 'very good grades'. und außerdem sind Soccer und Football 2 unterschiedliche Sportarten. und du hast 2x Seen geschrieben. sonst ist glaub ich alles okay :)