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It’s 3 am, I’m running through the park 

The vodka bottle is empty 

I think I’ll lose my spark 

Yes I know i shouldn’t drink 

but I was already drunk, before I could even think 

I went into the disco 

The people staring at me 

I’m starting feeling dizzy 

I’m falling on my knee 

The alcohol is taking Control

Over me,over me 

Where’s the Exit from this Club 

I couldn’t see, I couldn’t see 

Oh, I shouldn’t drink with my medication 

But this night was the perfect occasion 

And then came this girl 

She helped me to stand up 

She ordered another drink 

And I emptied the cup 

She was drunk ,I was too 

She said I want to kiss you 

And damn I  wanted it to 

We kissed it was so cute 

I shoot my shot,I shoot 

The alcohol is taking Control

Over me,over me 

Where’s the Exit from this Club 

I couldn’t see, I couldn’t see 

Oh, I shouldn’t drink with my medication 

But this night was the perfect occasion 

But suddenly, I woke up on the wet floor

I saw Jesus Christ opens me a door 

He said “this is the door to death,You died from an alcohol poisoning”

“Yeah, I’m finally dead” I sing

My life has an end because of my medicaments and the alcohol is taking control

The alcohol is taking Control

Over me,over me 

Where’s the Exit from this Club 

I couldn’t see, I couldn’t see 

Oh, I shouldn’t drink with my medication 

But this night was the perfect occasion 

Liebe, Songtext, Allgemeinwissen, Schule, Mädchen, Medikamente, Alkohol, Teenager, Beziehung, Psychologie, Alkoholkonsum, Grammatik, Lyrics, Lyrik, Teenagerprobleme, anti-depressiva

Meistgelesene Beiträge zum Thema Alkoholkonsum