Was könnte ich bei diesen summary über den text "paranoid park" im green line besser machen?

Es wäre nett, wenn ihr mal drüber schauen könntet und mich auf Fehler hinweist und mir vielleicht Verbesserungstipps zur gebt.

The book 'Paranoid Park' was written by Blake Nelson, which was published in year 2006 in Portland, Oregon. The text deals with a young skater names Alex, who is doing illegal things, and who kills a security guard in self defense.

The young skater is the main character of the story. He is 16 years old. And is at his uncle Tommy's beach house.

One evening he decides to go there with his best friend Jared, but Jared wants to see his girlfriend and so he doesn't go with Alex to Paranoid Park.

Alex decides to go alone to Paranoid Park and when he is there, he sits on his skateboard and watches the skaters and girls there.

A streeter called Scratch comes along with his friends and after a short talk Scratch asks Alex whether he wants to hop a train.

Fascinated by the idea of hopping train Alex agrees and they leave Paranoid Park.

While riding the train, they are seen by a security guard who immediately chases them and starts to hit Scratch with his nightstick.

After Alex sees that he hits the security guard with his skateboard.

The man stumbles and falls forward on the gravel beside the train.

The coming train pulls him along and he is twisted into an awkward position under the train.

After the train has passed, the security guard has been cut in half.

After this horrible accident Alex is totally in panic and he doesn't know what he should do in a situation like that.

He is totally confused, because he wants to tell the police but he is too afraid of the consequences and he decides to keep first that accident to himself.

Totally confused the main character starts to run....

Englisch, summary
Going Home Summary

Und noch eine Summary: Fehler, Verbesserungsvorschläge?

The short story 'Going home', written by Pete Hamill, an American journalist deals with Vingo,a former prisoner, going home and telling his story. On a bus, six young people, three boys and three girs from New York are going to Florida on holiday. Also a man, a former prisoner called Vingo sits in the same bus on his way home to Brunswick. The young people are thinking about their holiday when they notice that the man never moves and does not say anything at all. The bus stops at a restaurant and everybody gets off exept Vingo. The young people start to wonder about his behavior. When they come back, one of them, a girl, sits beside him, introduces herself and starts a small conversation. She offers him some wine, which Vingo gratefully accepts. After a while the girl goes back to the other, when the man is nearly about to fall asleep. The next morning he goes into the restaurant to the young people. He orders coffee and smokes nervously. When the girl sits with him again in the bus he starts to tell her his story. Vingo has been in prison for the last three and a half years and had been now released. He is going home, to his town called Brunswick. The girl asks him if he is marred, to which he replies that he does not know that. He wrote to his wife that it is okay for him if she does not want to stay with him togehter anymore or if she found a new man, but she never answered. He wrote to her that, if she does not think this way, she should put a yellow handkerchief on the big oak tree in their town, so that he knows that she still wants him back. He also showes the girl and the others pictures of his wife and his three children. When the bus reaches Brunswick all the young people, who got to know his story too, are shouting and screaming, because the oak tree is covered with a lot of yellow handkerchiefs. Vingo is not shouting. He gets up from his seat slowly and stars his way home.

Englisch, summary, Zusammenfassung, Short story
Hier meine Summary von "No Tigers in Africa", Chapter 3, kann mir das jemand korrigieren? :D

In Chapter 3 of the novel „No Tigers in Africa“, written by Norman Silver, published in 1990, the main character Selwyn explains his familiar situation, especially the difficult relationship between his father and his mother, and his resulting problems by comparing the events in Bristol with those in South Africa. The action is set at Bristol in the present and the narrator remembers details of his dormer life in South Africa.

At the beginning Selwyn tells about how hard his father works, so that they could have the same standard of living as they had in Africa. However he says that for his mother the situation is difficult too, because in Africa she used to have a good life with lots of friends, but not in England. In addition he criticises how difficult it is to make friends in England in contrast to Africa and says because of that problem, his mother is not (oder no?) longer her old self, she is uncertain. Besides that he compares the situation in England with their move from Cape Town to Johannesburg, when he was seven. Selwyn admits that he needs time to “arrive”, but that the time, when they settle to Joburg, was actually more easy than settle to this country. After he mention he often skips school and goes to a place where he could see the gorge and the suspension bridge, however he hears that that bridge is a favourite place for suicides and finds similarities to his situation. Thereafter the narrator speaks about Brunel and the Voortrekker Monument which was built because of the victory of the whites over the blacks years ago in South Africa. Moreover he describes his feelings when he stays at the gorge at this time by comparing it with the thoughts he had when he looked over the railway of the Voortrekker monument, because there was a voice in his had, saying he should jump. However the voice means that he should jump over the cliffs inside him .He concludes that he needs to built such a bridge, metaphoric meaning, inside him. On top of that Selwyn tells when he walks once from gorges to the market, where he is instead of school often too, one day he recognizes his mother who is cheating on his dad with a black man. This is a big shock for him. The boy tries to explain his feelings, says he is confused and cannot believe what has happened. Selwyn describes his condition by comparing it with the a ground which has opened under his feet, describes that it is deeper than the liftshaft his dad fell down once at Christmas after he has drunk too much. Finally Selwyn feels very bad and sick, basically helpless and lost, he does not know what to do and starts to be silent again.

Englisch, Buch, summary

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