Linguistic Essay, Struktur in Ordnung?

Das schwerste an einem Text, egal wie lang, ist es meiner Meinung nach, eine gute Struktur zu erarbeiten.

Die Aufgabe ist es, einen 750-1000 Wörter Essay über ein Linguistic Topic zu schreiben.
Ich habe mir dafür jetzt "Code-Switching as Social Status in Early Modern English" überlegt, also vor allem das häufige wechseln ins Französische in der Shakespearean Zeit, um Soziales Ansehen zu demonstrieren.

Habt ihr Verbesserungsvorschläge oder Feedback zu folgender Struktur?


1 Introduction:

-         Historischer Kontext, wie Französisch ins Englische gekommen ist

-> Leute lernen eine weitere Sprache und es kommt zur Verwendung Beider

-         These: Code-Switching mit französischen Begriffen wurde als Mittel verwendet, um Bildung und sozialen Status zu demonstrieren.

2 Code-Switching as a Marker of Social Status

-         Definition von Code-Switching.

-         Erklärung, warum der Einsatz französischer Begriffe als prestigeträchtig galt (in Europa allgemein)

-         Beispiele, wie und wann französische Begriffe in die Sprache integriert wurden, um Bildung und Status zu zeigen

3 Literary Example: Shakespeare and his usage of French

-         … Beispiele von Shakespears Werken zitieren

4 Conclusion

-         Summary, wie der französische Einfluss und Code-Switching als Mittel zur Darstellung von Bildung und sozialem Status im Early Modern English diente.

-         Kurze Reflektion, in wiefern es heute noch vertreten ist



Studium, Feedback, Hausarbeit, Anglistik, Aufsatz, Grammatik, Inspiration, Linguistik, Sprachwissenschaft, Universität, Essay

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I didn‘t do anything special in my whitsun holidays. I just relaxed because I had been stressed the previous weeks because of everything before the holidays started. As I said before the holidays, I called two of my friends who asked me if I would phone them as soon as my holidays started. It was pretty much fun because I hadn‘t called them for months, so we talked about school, our experiences and our hobbies. By the way, the two friends are online friends who I met two years ago. Apart from that, I started watching ,,Gilmore Girls“ again because I had watched it before but it was a long time ago, so I couldn‘t remember what the series is about, so when I was bored I decided to watch it. I also spent a lot of time with my family, most of the time with my mother. We laughed and talked a lot. But I really liked that we went for a walk again at the xy river in y and x. We always went for a walk there a year ago. We fed ducks and ate ice cream on 25th and 26th May since it was a very warm day and the sun was shining all day. It looks very gorgeous there because you can enjoy the beautiful look of the xy river while you are going for a walk. We have gone for a walk there for about 4 years and it is still not boring. Anyway, we were talking when we suddenly saw a pig in the xy river which had been roasted, so we called the police because it smelled very disgusting but they didn‘t do anything about it. After that, we went to McDonald‘s to eat something because we felt very hungry. Apart from that, I organized a presentation for school and I made a few folders to hand over them. My holidays were fantastic because I did a lot of things which I hadn‘t done the previous weeks.

Englisch lernen, Text, Aufsatz, Grammatik, Rechtschreibung

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