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Australia is a continent which consists of six states and two self-governing territories. This federation is also called the Commonwealth of Australia. Australia is also called the land down under because it is below the equator. Apart from that, Australia has an area of 7,471,000 square kilometers and a population of 26 million people! The capital is Canberra since they could not decide between Sydney or Melbourne to be the capital. About 50,000 years ago, the islands in the north of Australia were much nearer to the islands of New Guinea in South-East-Asia so that indigenous people could travel from island to island. But after the ice age the islands were further away, so they were left on the continent. These indigenous people are called the Aborigines. There are still 500,000 alive. In 1770, James Cook found Australia and didn‘t know what to with this continent. Therefore, it took the Australian government 18 years to decide what they wanted to do with it. As they had overcrowded prisons in Great Britain, they wanted to use Australia as a penal colony. That‘s why Arthur Phillip was the first person who took people to Australia on his ship called the Endeavor. Sadly, 10 per cent of the people died during his first voyage because of a lack of agricultural knowledge. It was a hard time for the Aborigines because the people brought diseases and alcohol with them so that a lot of them died and there were also fightings against them. Some of them even had to leave their land and live on reservations. However, the people who were taken to Australia experienced bad things because during the voyages, they were treated extremely badly. In 1891, things became really different because gold was found in New South Wales which was the reason for the increase of the population. They had the hope that they would become rich but many of them didn‘t even have enough money to get back home. Furthermore, a lot of people came to Australia after the Second World War because they wanted to start a new life. The children who belonged to the Aborigines were taken away because they should be good Australian people by teaching them maths, writing, and reading. Kevin Rudd apologized for this mistake in 2008. The Aborigines have had all rights since 1965 after the people had voted for the Aborigines‘ rights. That’s how Australia has become the country which we have known.

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