Schreibe eine Englisch Arbeit über Email/Letter of complaint und bräuchte Korrektur bzw. Notenvorschlag oder Tipps?


You recently ordered a computer game form the American company Game of Games but the delivered purcharse only includes a Spanish version of the game. Write a formal letter on oder to complain about this unfortunate mistake.



subject: The wrong delivery

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing in order to complain about a purchase I have recently made. My name is Ben Geyer and I live in Austria.

One week ago I bought your new computer game “heart on heart” via Amazon. I had to wait very long for the package and so I was really hyped when I opened the game and put it into my play station. But when I started the game I realised that it is not my language. You probably sent me the Spanish version. I checked the language three times before I bought ordered the game. I did not to want anything get wrong, so I also called the support if the game is really my language. These assured me that it is in English. But no it is not.

I think you can image in which situation I am now. I looked forward to the game for days and now I do not understand everything. This is an unbearable situation for me and therefore my suggestion would be that you entitle me to some form of compensation.

I would be grateful if you could exchange my product, or refund my money. If you need my bank account or something other data you could write me when ever you want.

I hope we will find a way to solve the problem so I will not be forced to take further action because I did not have any struggles with your company since yet.

I would be grateful if you contact me at as quickly as possible if you have a solution.

Yours faithfully,

Ben Geyer

Text, Aufsatz, englische Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung
Unterschied zwischen Deutsch und Englisch? (Text & Reime)?

Die Frage ist etwas komplizierter als sie in der Überschrift steht.

Ich verfasse gerne englische Texte und Reime, mal auf einem Instrument, mal nicht.

Seit einem Jahr versuche ich diesen Style ins Deutsche zu verfassen und stoße immer wieder auf eine "unschöne Aussprache".

Wenn ich einen Satz ins Deutsche übersetze oder umschreibe, verändert sich der Klang dieses Satzes so extrem das es einfach nur hässlich klingt.

Unsere Aussprache spielt eine große Rolle. Unsere Botonung funktioniert anders als wie im Englischen. Klar. Wir haben viele Mehrsilbige Wörter, Viel zu viele Konsonanten. Viel zu viele Artikel. Das "ch" in Wache, ganz schlimm.

Selbst wenn man diese Kriterien beachtet, Wörter mit wenig Konsonanten benutzt, mehr einsilbige Wörter verwendet hat es keine Auswirkung und der ümgeschriebene Text hört sich vom Klang und Aussprache grässlich an, im Vergleich zu dem Klang vom Englischen. (Exakt die selbe Silben Anzahl)

Es ist eine andere Sprache keine Frage aber was ist der eindeutige Grund warum es nicht funktioniert oder wenn es machbar ist, wie funktioniert es.

Vokale, Konsonanten, Glotisschlag, die Buchstaben, Betonung und viele andere Dinge scheinen einen Einfluss darauf zu haben aber sind anscheinend nicht der Grund warum es auf deutsche nicht mehr so melodisch klingt.

Ist es eine andere Anordnung? Muss man die deutsche Sprache zu sehr brechen und biegen um auf diesen melodischen Klang zu kommen?

Englisch, Deutsch, Text, Buchstaben, deutsche Grammatik, Englisch-Deutsch, englische Grammatik, Reim, Wort, Betonung, Reimschema, Silben
Würdet ihr für mein comment eine eins geben?

Ich bin mir halt nicht sicher, ob mein comment in Fach Englisch mir gelungen ist, daher wäre ein Feedback nett :)

Many people argue whether or not the British monarchy should be abolished.

In the following, I present arguments for and against a monarchy so that you can form your own pinion.

On the one hand, the British monarchy should be abolished because a monarch only rules but has no real political power or function. this means that a queen or king is unnecessary and unimportant to the state.

Also, the UK is not a democracy, as is claimed, because in a democracy people can elect the head of state, but since the royal family is still alive, they will continue to be the head of state.

This is very unfair and unequal to the rest of the population.

Also, people can never be 100% sure if the next monarch is good for the state and does not have bad intentions.

This could make people very worried.

Another important aspect is that the royal family spends a lot of money on the palace when they could use the money for more important things.

On the other hand, the British monarchy should not be abolished, because a monarch is very important even if he or she has no real political power.  

His or her importance is reflected in national stability.

Since a monarch embodies the British history, values and tradition, this leads to stronger national identification, which brings people closer together so that there is national stability.

In addition, members of the royal family are very important to charities, because since the royal family has a good image and is important, charities can be heard better, so they continue with their charities.

Some people may think that a monarch spends a lot of money, but that doesn't mean a president doesn't.

there are many presidents with many

There are also many presidents with many offices, even more than the British monarch.

The fact that the royal family has always been at the head of the state means that people trust it because they know its good intentions.

This means that the monarchy is in safe hands, so to speak.

Another important point is that the royal family has shown that it can modernize and adapt to the times.  

This is very important because many people claim that they are unmodern and have different thoughts than today.

But the Queen, for example, has allowed her son Charles to marry a divorced woman, whereas in the past this was a very dangerous issue. 

that means she was able to “modernise”. 

Weighing the pros and cons of the British monarchy, one can say that it should not be abolished because the British monarchy has been very successful, mainly because it has adapted to the times and modernized.

Englisch lernen, Englisch, Abitur, englische Grammatik, Grammatik, summary, Writing, comment, englisch-lehrer
Cartoon Analysis Globalization?

Hallo, kann jemand meine Cartoon Analysis korrigieren und mir vielleicht ein paar Tipps dazu geben?

This is a cartoon drawn by Kat J.Weiss, published on 12/5/19 on and it deals with the issue of fast fashion. What is noticeable at the first glance is that the artist presents a serious topic in a simple and ironic way.The scene depicts an abstract situation in a third world country in comparison to an industrialising country. On the right, there is appearing a western women which is underlined by the clothes she is wearing. Moreover, you can easily notice a poisonous river in the left part of the picture. Another significant aspect is the center of the picture which shows us a large billboard with a caption above it which reads "THIS COULD BE U". Behind the billboard, there is sitting a women working on a sewinh machine. Her facial expression seems to be exhausted and tired. Especially striking are the bright colours that the artist used.The artist creates a negative atmosphere towards the aspect that we are not aware of where and under which conditions our fashion is produced This will be shown in detail in the following talk. The artist refers to a well known global issue such as fast fashion. Furthermore, he strongly criticises our lack of awareness about fast fashion.First of all, you can clearly notice that the artist tries to draw the audiences attention to the fact that the scene depicts the horrendous and miserable working conditions of people who produce fashion by representing the womens facial expression. From her facial expression you can conclude how exhausted and frustrated she must be. That is exactly how the cartoon is supposed to make us overthink our attitude towards fast fashion. Moreover, the artist makes use of bright colours. Ultimately, common sense indicates that the colours are used to make the cartoon more vivid which clarifies the Intent of the cartoon which is to raise the People`s awareness for fast fashion. A further significant aspect is that the artist attempts to win us over to his side by triggering our emotions. This becomes more apparent while looking closely at the water colours from river which shows us how many chemicals are inside the water. That is why we become compassionate with the local citizens.

In conclusion I can express that the artists conveys his intention impeccably and extremely effectively from my point of view. Without any doubt the artist exactly knows how to trigger the audiences emotions properly. I also assume that he wants us to see fast fashion as horrible and horrendous. Moreover, he absolutely convinces me by his impeccably used visual elements which make sure we cannot misunderstand his concisely communicated message. Additionally I believe that his criticism is justified due to the fact that we are accountable as customers for the future of employees in the fashion industry. So it`s our mandatory duty to rearrange our attitude toward fast fashion. 

Bild zum Beitrag
Englisch, Übersetzung, Analyse, Cartoon, englische Grammatik, Englischunterricht, Grammatik, exam, Analysis

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