Unterschied zwischen Autismus und PDA Autismus?

1 Antwort

PDA ist keine Unterform des Autismus - Unterscheidungen in die einzelnen Autismusformen sind eh hinfällig -, sondern ein Merkmal, das bei ASS vorkommen kann.


However for those who experience Pathological Demand Avoidance, things can feel significantly more intense.
Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) refers to a specific profile within the Autism spectrum, where individuals exhibit a strong desire for independence and have an increased sensitivity towards demands that challenge their autonomy. Tasks as simple as putting on shoes, going to sleep, brushing one’s teeth or having breakfast can evoke significant emotional responses in individuals with PDA, making it challenging for caregivers and loved ones to comprehend. This article aims to delve into the concept of PDA, shedding light on its fundamental characteristics. Whether you are a caregiver, parent, or simply curious about Autism PDA, this article will hopefully provide valuable insights.

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Woher ich das weiß:eigene Erfahrung – ASS-Diagnose mit 50 / über 20 Jahren im Thema