Bewerbungsschreiben Pflegepraktikum auf Englisch- HELFT MIR BITTE!

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6 Antworten

Vom Fragesteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet


im Großen und Ganzen würde ich das so lassen. Ein paar Kleinigkeiten habe ich geändert.

Dear …,

After having studied Medicine at the XXX University of XXX for one semester, I am planning to supplement my studies and gain more experience in the nursing sector. Via Internet, I found out about the XXX hospital and its patient-friendly atmosphere which seems very appealing to me. Thus, I am writing in order to apply for a 30-day nursing internship in your hospital from XXX to XXX . I have already gained practical experience in my subject, not only during several first-aid-courses I have lately attended kein Komma, but also during university classes. I study in a reformed degree course, which means that we work directly with patients from the first week on and therefore gain more practical experience than students who study Medicine in a classic programme (= UK; program = US) of study.

I am a very open-minded and friendly person who likes to help and support other people. Therefore, I would like to get an insight in the daily work of nurses. Of course, I am prepared to work hard and constantly give my best. I am very much interested in exploring different countries. Therefore / That is why, I apply for an internship abroad as I know that tolerance and openness are necessary for every prospective doctor.

The English language will be no problem for me as I have learned it for more than nine years and even took the English advanced-course at high-school which I completed with constant straight As. Furthermore, I worked on my language skills during a language study travel to London in 2009. Of course, I would pay for the internship in case of an acceptance.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely, XXX

wg. Gruß- und Schlussformel:

Im Englischen werden i.d.R. folgende Gruß- und Schlussformeln verwendet,

  • wenn man den Namen des Empfängers nicht, kennt:

  • Dear Sir ... Yours faithfully

  • Dear Madam ... Yours faithfully

  • Dear Sir or Madam ... Yours faithfully

  • Kennt man dagegen den Namen des Empfängers, heißt es i.d.R.:

  • Dear Mr Hanson ... Yours sincerely

  • Dear Mrs Hanson ... Yours sincerely

  • Dear Miss Hanson ... Yours sincerely

  • Dear Ms Hanson ... Yours sincerely

Viel Glück und Erfolg!

:-) AstridDerPu

AstridDerPu  26.12.2011, 15:52

Schön, dass dir meine Antwort gefallen hat. Hoffentlich hat's geholfen!

Danke für das Sternchen!

:-) AstridDerPu


super ! das einzige, was ich (neben den anderen verbesserungsvorschlägen der anderen) noch ändern würde: du schreibst erst "I am a very open-minded and friendly person who likes to help and support other people." dann über was anderes, um schließlich noch etwas über deine person zu sagen: "I am very interested in exploring different countries."

das würde ich als persönliche beschreibung zusammen tun, und dann erst näher beschreiben ;)

lg aliiina

Dear …,

After studying medicine at the XXX University of XXX for one semester I am planning to supple my studies and gain more experience at the nursing sector. On the internet I learned much about the XXX hospital an its patient-friendly atmosphere which seems to be very appealing to me. That is why I apply for a 30-day-nursing-internship in your hospital from ::: to :::. I have already collected some practical experience within my subject. It was not only during several first-aid-courses that I lately took, but also during the lectures: I studied in a reformed degree course which means that we usually work close to the patients from the very beginning. Therefore we have made more practical experience who study medicine in an ordinary university course. I always use to be very open-minded and friendly and like helping and supporting other people. That is why I am very interested in getting an insight of the daily work a nurse usually carries out. Of course, I use to work hard and do the best I can.

I am also interested in exploring different countries. As a result, I apply for an abroad internship, too, as I know that tolerance and openness are necessary for each prospective doctor. My knowledge at English is very good, as I have learned it for more than nine years and even took the advanced-course at high school that I finished with an A. Furthermore, I improved my language skills during a study trip to London in 2009. If you give me the chance to prove my know-how, I would even pay for the costs. I am looking to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,


I wish you will be successful.

also 1. man schribt nicht dear, das ist persönlich 2. it seems to be very


ich interessiere mich im Moment ebenfalls für ein Krankenpflegepraktikum im UK und wollte mal fragen, bei welcher Stelle du dich beworben hast?