Wie schreibe ich das richtig auf englisch?

3 Antworten

Hey! :) Ich habe deinen Text mal ein bisschen überarbeitet:

Hi [Name der Host-Familie],

I hope you're all doing well. I need a little help with the attached certificate of my au pair stay. I'm planning to apply for a new study program in art education at a special education school, and I need to include proof of my experience with children. There's no rush to fill it out immediately, but it would be great if I could send it with my application soon.

Thank you so much for your help!

Best regards,

[Dein Name]

 26.05.2024, 19:44

Super danke für die schnelle Antwort :)

Pfiati  26.05.2024, 19:59

Ich würde das wie someone schreiben, würde selber "I mise all of you!" vielleicht mit einbauen.


Paar (sehr kleine) Kleinigkeiten:

  • "Hi" wenn schon mit zwei I dann am Anfang zumindest groß
  • I hope y'all are doing well (hier hast du das Verb vergessen)
  • But it would be great if I could send it with my application soon...

Viel Glück bei der Bewerbung :]

 26.05.2024, 19:44

dankeschön :)



Dear [Host Family]

I hope you are all doing well. I just need a little help with the attached certificate of my au pair stay, as I would like to apply for another study program (= AE; BE = programme) at a special education school (Was soll das sein?) for the subject of art. You don't have to fill it in right away (---) but it would be great if I could send it with (besser: attach it to) my application soon, just that they know (besser: just for them to know) that I already have experience with children.
