Durften Muslime in Somalia unter Herrschaft von Siad Barre ihre Religion praktizieren oder war Somalia damals staats atheistisch?

1 Antwort

Vom Fragesteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

kurze Antwort: ja

Islam in Somalia - Wikipedia

The role of religious functionaries began to shrink in the 1950s and 1960s as some of their legal and educational powers and responsibilities were transferred to secular authorities.[5] The position of religious leaders changed substantially after the 1969 revolution and the introduction of scientific socialism. Siad Barre insisted that his version of socialism was compatible with Qur'anic principles, and he condemned atheism. Religious leaders, however, were warned not to meddle in politics.

Kurz, die Religion sollte sich aus der Politik heraushalten, wurde aber ansonsten toleriert.