Ist die Rechtschreibung richtig? Referat über Linkin Park auf Englisch

4 Antworten

Du hast dir viel Arbeit gemacht. Hut ab. Schreibfehler habe ich nur zwei gefunden:

“One Step Closer”, a song of the album,was on the soundtrack for the movie “Das Experiment” .

3 Years later a remix of their first album, “Reanimation”, was released.

Bei russian und japanese bin ich am grübeln, ob das nicht auch klein geschrieben wird...

adabei  10.06.2012, 20:46

Nein, das wird nicht klein geschrieben. Alle Nationalitäten-Adjektive werden - anders als im Deutschen - groß geschrieben

ein deutsches Bier = a German beer

 10.06.2012, 20:39

danke schon mal :)


kommt jetzt vielleicht 'n bissl spät, aber egal ;)

ich bin jetzt nicht sooo der englisch freak, aber eins kann ich mit sicherheit sagen: der typ der mit Mike Shinoda & Co. die band gegründet hat, hieß auf keinen fall Mike Wakefield, sondern Mark Wakefield.

siehe auch hier:

Linkin Park was founded 1996 in Los Angeles. At first, the band was called Xero. The founder-members were Mike Shinoda, Brad Delson, Rob Bourdon, Joe Hahn and Mike Wakefield, who left the band two years later. Xero, now with no vocalist, asked Chester Bennington to sing for the band. He sent them a demo, and since that day he is a member of Linkin Park. After Chester hadjoined the band, they changed their name into “Hybrid Theory”, but there was one band with the same name, so they had to change it again into Linkin Park.

Their first album, called “Hybrid Theory”, was released in 1999. “One Step Closer”, one song of the album, was on the soundtrack for the movie “Das Experiment”, too. Three years later, a remix of their fist album, “Reanimation”, was released. In 2003 they released their second album, “Meteora”. in 2004, “Collision Course”, an album in cooperation with the rapper Jay Z, was released. In 2007, Linkin Park released their latest album, “Minutes to Midnight”.

Now I want to tell you something about the current members of Linkin Park.

Chester Bennington, the lead-vocalist of Linkin Park, was born in Phoenix in 1976. Before he came to Linkin Park, he sang for the Band “Grey Daze”. When he was a child, he got abused. He was addicted to drugs and many of his friends committed suicide.

Mike Shinoda, the rapper, guitarist and keyboarder was born in Agoura in 1977. His mother is Russian, his father is Japanese. He is one of the founder-members of Linkin Park.

Joseph Hahn, the DJ of Linkin Park, was born in Glendale in 1977. His parents are from Korea. He produced the music videos for Linkin Park.

Rob Bourdon, the drummer of the band, was born in Calabasas in 1979. The Aerosmith-drummer, who was a friend of his mother, taught him how to play with drums.

Brad Delson, the lead-guitarist, was born in 1977 in Agoura. He is – like Bourdon – a believing Jew, and his parents donate a meal for homeless people every year.

David Farrell, the bassist of Linkin Park, was born in Plymouth 1977. “Hybrid theory” was made without him because he played in another band, which was called “Tasty Snax”. After one album of that band, he rejoined Linkin Park.

Das ist alles, was ich jetzt auf die Schnelle gesehen habe. - Gruß, adabei

adabei  10.06.2012, 21:05

his parents donate a meal to homeless people (siehe Astrid; hab' ich übersehen)

earnest  10.06.2012, 21:16

Hallo - lange nichts von Dir gehört!

Schönen Gruß, earnest



auf die Schnelle:

Linkin Park was founded in Los Angeles in 1996. At first, the band was called Xero. Founder members were Mike Shinoda, Brad Delson, Rob Bourdon, Joe Hahn and Mike Wakefield, who left the band 2 years later. Xero, now without a vocalist, asked Chester Bennington to sing for the band. He sent him a demo, and since that day he has been a member of Linkin Park. After Chester had joined the band, they changed their name into “Hybrid Theory”, but as there was another band with the same name they had to change it again into Linkin Park. Their first album, called “Hybrid Theory”, was released in 1999. “One Step Closer”, one song from the album, was also on the soundtrack for the movie “Das Experiment”. Three years later, a remix of their fist album, “Reanimation”, was released. In 2003, they released their second album, “Meteora”. In 2004, “Collision Course”, an album in cooperation with the rapper Jay Z, was released. In 2007, Linkin Park released their latest album, “Minutes to Midnight”. Now I would like to tell you something about the current members of Linkin Park. Chester Bennington, the lead vocalist of Linkin Park, was born in Phoenix in 1976. Before he came to Linkin Park, he had sung for the band “Grey Daze”. When he was a little kid, he was abused. He was addicted to drugs and many of his friends committed suicide. Mike Shinoda, the rapper, guitarist and keyboarder was born in Agoura in 1977. His mother is Russianand his father is Japanese. He is one of the founder members of Linkin Park. Joseph Hahn, the DJ of Linkin Park, was born in Glendale in1977. His parents are from Korea. He produced the music videos for Linkin Park. Rob Bourdon, the drummer of the band, was born in Calabasas in 1979. The Aerosmith-drummer, who was a friend of his mother, taught him how to play the drums. Brad Delson, the lead guitarist, was born in Agoura in 1977. Just as Bourdon, he is a believing Jew, and his parents donate a meal to homeless people every year. David Farrell, the bassist of Linkin Park, was born in Plymouth in 1977. “Hybrid theory” was made without him kein Komma because he played in another band called “Tasty Snax”. After one album of the band, he rejoined Linkin Park.

Aufpassen bei der Satzstellung, vor die Jahreszahl gehört ein in.

Zum Inhalt kann ich nichts sagen, da ich mich mit Linkin Park nicht auskenne.

Ich hoffe, ich habe bei dem langen Text nichts übersehen.


adabei  10.06.2012, 21:02

Da haben wir wohl zur gleichen Zeit geschrieben. (Eigentlich sollte ich wieder Bücherkisten packen oder endlich meine Steuer machen ... :-)) - Gruß, adabei