Was steht an englischen Toiletten?

6 Antworten

There are several theories about the origin of this informal British term for a toilet. The first, and most popular, is that it derived from the cry of 'gardyloo' (from the French regardez l'eau 'watch out for the water'), which was shouted by medieval servants as they emptied chamber pots out of upstairs windows into the street. This is historically problematic, since by the time the term 'loo' is recorded, the expression 'gardyloo' was long obsolete.

A second theory is that the word derives from a polite use of the French term le lieu ('the place') as a euphemism. Unfortunately, documentary evidence to support this idea is lacking.

A third theory refers to the trade name 'Waterloo', which appeared prominently displayed on the iron cisterns in many British outhouses during the early 20th century. This is more credible in terms of dates, but corroborating evidence is still frustratingly hard to find. Various other colourful theories also circulate, involving references to doors numbered '00' or people called 'Looe'.

adabei  10.02.2014, 14:12

Auch wenn die Toilette oft als "loo" bezeichnet wird, steht das nie auf der Toilettentür.

Bswss  10.02.2014, 14:12

I hope you know that "Waterloo" originally was (and still is) a place in Belgium where Napoleon was defeated decisively. This little town has, of course, nothing to do with toilets.




Auch am Eingang zu den Toiletten: TOILETS, WC (relativ selten) oder manchmal noch "lavatories".

Es gibt auch "Men's Room" und "Women's Room".

Toiletten in Lokalen heißen in den USA meist "restroom", in Kanada oft auch "washroom", umgangssprachlich werden Toiletten auch oft "john" genannt.

Weit verbreitet in der Umgangssprache ist in England "loo" (erklärbar wohl aus einem Witz / Missverständnis des belgischen Ortsnamens Waterloo)

in the UK - signs usually say toilets, on the door either ladies or gents or disabled or baby change, WC (short for water closet)

Gents + Ladies

Gentleman und Ladie´s

Bswss  10.02.2014, 14:09

OMG - Deine Schreibung....

adabei  10.02.2014, 14:08

Für "Gentlemen" wird üblicherweise die Kurzform "Gents" verwendet.

Der Plural von Lady ist natürlich "Ladies". (kein Apostroph!!!)