Schöne englische Pferdesprüche?! :)

7 Antworten


  • No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle.
  • There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.

(beide: Winston Churchill)

He knows when you're happy

He knows when you're comfortable

He knows when you're confident

And he always knows when you have carrots.

(Author Unknown)

Mehr davon findest du hier:

:-) AstridDerPu

PS: voraus schreibt man übrigens nur mit einem (1) r.

You ask a stallion, tell a gelding and negotiate with a mare.

LG Anita

PS: Schoenes englisches Pferdebuch, gerade ausgelesen, heiss zu empfehlen: "Eleanor McGraw, a pony named Mouse and a boy called Fire" - gibts bei amazon - da findest Du ganze zitierbare Passagen drin.


Einer meiner Lieblingssprüche:
"If you find yourself riding a dead horse - get off!"
(alte Indianerweisheit)

Gruß, earnest

A horse can break you every bone, but it never breaks your heart.