Welche Formen sind falsch bzw richtig?

23.10.2021, 20:51

? Wär nett wenn ihr mir weiterhelft

24.10.2021, 10:16

Ich hab ihn jetzt nochmal verbessert.

Family of four rescued at sea

Two adults and two young children had to be rescued by a lifeboat on Saturday after their boat had been cought by a rip current and had been pulled out to sea.

They weren't very far from the shore when they suddenly noticed that they were being carried further and further away from the beach. Although there were four people on the boat, they had only one lifejacket and no other safety equipment with them. A lifeboat has been sent out and the family has been found about two kilometres down the coast, close to some dangerous rocks from where they have been brought safely back to shore.

Coastguard Tom Walsh said that people often didn't realise how easily these small boats could be Swept out to sea and that this family had had a lucky escape. Nobody was being hurt this time. But if their boat had crashed into the rocks, it would have been a very different story.

2 Antworten


Abschnitt 1 - catch ist ein irregular verb.

Abschnitt 2 -

  • ... they were carried - Hier würde ich das Progressive wählen
  • Der Rest ist falsch.

Abschnitt 3 - Die Zeiten sind falsch. Schau dir die Reported Speech noch einmal an.

Für eine Korrektur ist es immer besser, den Text hier reinzuhacken.


  • caught
  • Ersetze das Present Perfect im zweiten Absatz durch Simple Past.
  • swept
  • Auf "being" im zweitletzten Satz kann verzichtet werden.

Ansonsten: saubere Arbeit!

Gruß, earnest