Was bedeutet dieser Fehlercode im Spiel Call of Duty Black ops 4?

1 Antwort

Zitat eines Blizzard Mitarbeiters:

"For those getting the license issue, please close out of the Blizzard app and try the steps below:

  • 1) Press the Windows + R key to bring up the Run window
  • 2) Enter %programdata% and hit OK
  • 3) Delete and BlizzardBattle.netBlizzard Entertainment folders
  • 4) Do the same for the following locations: %appdata%%localappdata%%temp%

If you're getting this message and you're unable to install the game, try making a desktop shortcut for Battle.net Launcher.exe. From there right click the shortcut and go to Properties. In the Target field, add this to the end:

--game=viper --install

Depending on the location of the executable, it should look something like this:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Battle.net\Battle.net Launcher.exe" --game=viper --install

Once that's done, double click the shortcut to run the installer."

Die ersten Schritte übersetzt:

  • 1) Windows + R drücken
  • 2)  %programdata% eingeben und auf  OK klicken
  • 3) BlizzardBattle.netBlizzard Entertainment Ordner löschen
  • 4) Das gleich in folgende Ordner tun: %appdata%%localappdata%%temp%

Ich hoffe es hilft