Hilfeeee Englisch referat :)
hii :)
Nur soo im vorraus ich will nicht das mir jemand die hausübung macht oder soo...
also ich brauche hilfe wegen englisch...hab morgen ein referat über michael jackson....ich habe also einen text geschrieben und wollte fragen wie es soo mit der zeit aussieht...er ist jaa schon gestorben und ich will wissen soll ich jetzt z.b. schreiben
He had three children
He has three children
und daa ist halt was ich bis jetzt habe...
I would like to tell you something about Michael Jackson. I have chosen to talk about him, because I didn’t really like him before but after he died I heard many things about him which are very interesting. Michael Jackson was a 50 year old man who died in the year of 2009. He was a singer and a dancer and because of his music, he was known also as the king of pop. The first time I heard about him was a lot of years ago because my older sister liked his music and I think the first song I heard was Michael Jackson has married two times the first time with the daughter of Elvis Presley and the second time with Deborah Jeanne Rote. He had three children.
bei fehler bitte auch ausbessern...dankee :)
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2 Antworten
Ich finde dein Referat nicht schlecht, und habe nur ein paar wenige Ergänzungen hinzugefügt.
Du solltest aber nur das nehmen und vortragen, was du auch sicher verstanden hast.
I would like to tell you something about Michael Jackson.
I have chosen to tell you about M.J., because I didn’t really like him before but after he died I heard many things about him which are very interesting.
Michael began his musical career at the age of 5 as the lead singer of the Jackson 5 who formed in 1964.
On December 9th 1984 at the last concert of the Jackson's Victory Tour, Michael announced he was splitting from the group and going solo.
In 1994 Michael married Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of rock legend Elvis Presley. The marriage only lasted for 19 months, as they divorced in 1996.
On November 14th 1996, Michael married for his second time to Debbie Rowe who was a nurse that Michael had met in the treatment of his skin pigment disorder. Together they had their first child Prince Michael Joseph Jackson jr born on February 13 1997 and a daughter Paris Michael Katherine Jackson born on April 3rd 1998.
In March 2009, Michael annouced a comeback tour at the O2 Arena in London to start in July 2009, for 50 dates with over 750,000 tickets. All tickets sold out within minutes of being released.
On June 25th 2009 Michael Jackson died suddenly of a reported cardiac arrest. He was 50 years old.
He was a singer and a dancer - and because of his famous music, he was known also as the king of pop.
ok cool danke...hat mir geholfen aber ich hab nicht alles benützt aber auch jeden fall wurde es meiner meinung nach besser...dankee :)
I would like to tell you something about Michael Jackson. I have chosen to talk about him, because I didn’t really like him before but after he had died I heard many things about him which are very interesting. Michael Jackson was 50 year old as he died 2009.
He was a singer and a dancer and because of his music, he was known also as the king of pop. The first time I heard about him was quite a few years ago because my older sister liked his music and I think that I then heard the first song.
Michael Jackson has married two times, the first time the daughter of Elvis Presley and the second time Deborah Jeanne Rote. He has left three children.