Hilfe beim Schreiben einer englischen Rede!

3 Antworten

Anreden könnten sein:

Good afternoon, ladies and Gentlemen.......

Erstmal würde ich einen guten Einstieg finden, z.B. ein Zitat oder so und dann um Hauptteil übergehen. In diesen kommen die Fakten, dann ein paar Kontra-argumente und dann die pro-argumente. Dein letztes Argument sollte dein strkstes sein, es bleibt "frisch" in der Erinnerung der Zuschauer. Dann formulierst du ein Fazit und einen Schlußsatz. z.B.

Thank you very much for listening

Hoffe das konnte dir helfen :)

Hallo liebe/r Jothe,

ich weiß meine Antwort kommt ziemlich spät. Allerdings beantworte ich sie auch für andere, die sich dieselbe Frage stellen.

Folgendes haben wir von unserem Lehrer mitbekommen:

Giving a speech:

Step 1: Preparing the speech

-Before starting to write, consider your audience and the Intention of your speech.

-Research your Topic thoroughly. Form an opinion and find Facts, examples, etc. to Support it.

Step 2: Writing the speech

-Use an outline to help you structure your speech.


->Great the audience

->State your Topic and purpose.

->You may want to include an anecdote or an interesting fact to attract the audience's Attention.

-Main part:

->Depending on the length of the speech, organize your Information into three to seven (3-7) main Points (no more than 5 Points for a speech of up to 30 minutes). Prioritize your Points according to importance and effectivness.

->Support each Point, using e.g (for example) statistics, Facts, examples, anecdotes, or quotations. Mention and justify your rejection of possible counter-aguments.

->Connect your thoughts using transitions.


->Summarize your main Points.

->Draw an effective conclusion by means of a quotation, a rhetorical question, a call for Action, a desirable future prospect, a promise, or an Appeal.

-If you are not a professional Speaker, you should write out your complete speech. However, your Goal is still to deliver it as freely as possible. (siehe Step 3!)

-Use stylistic devices to make your speech more effective and more interesting.

Step 3: Delivering the speech

-Rehearse your speech before you deliver it, e.g in front of a full-length mirror.

-Speak clearly,distinctly and as freely as possible. Keep eye contact with your audience. Your Goal is to make them feel as if you are addressing them personally.

-Emphasize key ideas. Use pauses for emphasis.

-Use Body language you feel comfortable with to underline your message.

-Deliver your speech with conviction and Passion to show that you believe in what you are saying.


Soo das wars! :) Ich hoffe ich konnte euch einigermaßen helfen und viel Erfolg jedem, der eine mündliche Englischprüfung vor sich hat! :)

MfG Lies123