Wie findet ihr die Lyrics?
Das ist die englische Übersetzung eines Songs, von diesem Song:
The curtain falls and I’m out of breath
I get mixed feelings as I breathe out
Did I make any mistakes today?
How did the audience seem?
I’m happy with who I’ve become
That I can make someone scream with joy
Still excited from the performance
I stand on the empty stage while holding onto an aftertaste that will not linger for long
While standing on this empty stage, I become afraid of this unpleasant emptiness
Within my suffocating feelings
On top of my life’s line
Without a reason, I forcibly act that I am fine
This isn’t the first time, I better get used to it
I try to hide it, but I can’t
When the heat of the show cools down
I leave the empty seats behind
Trying to comfort myself
I tell myself the world can’t be perfect
I start to let myself go
The thundering applause, I can’t own it forever
I tell myself, so shameless
Raise your voice higher
Even if the attention isn’t forever, I’ll keep singing
As today’s me, I want eternity
Forever, I want to be young
Forever we are young
Under the flower petals raining down
I run, so lost in this maze
Forever we are young
Even when I fall and hurt myself
I endlessly run toward my dream
Forever ever ever ever
(dreams, hopes, forward, forward)
Forever ever ever ever
We are young
Forever ever ever ever
(dreams, hopes, forward, forward)
Forever ever ever ever
We are young
Forever we are young
Under the flower petals raining down
I run, so lost in this maze
Forever we are young
Even when I fall and hurt myself
I keep running toward my dream
Forever we are young
Under the flower petals raining down
I run, so lost in this maze
Forever we are young
Even when I fall and hurt myself
I keep running toward my dream
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2 Antworten
Ich bin ein ARMY, eben weil ihre Songs immer so schöne, bedeutungsvolle Lyrics haben. Das gilt für alle ihre Songs. Es gibt ja auch oft Messages in den Songs, für die man erstmal zwischen den Zeilen lesen muss, weil man das so sonst gar nicht erkennt.
Naja. Könnte schlechter sein aber ist jetzt nicht sonderlich tiefsinnig oder so. Kenn Lieder mit mehr Message in 6 Zeilen 😂 aber wenn’s dir gefällt und dir was gibt ist doch schön. Dafür gibts unterschiedliche geschmäcker
Gerade in nem anderen tab offen gehabt, wenn du also ernsthaft lyrics analysieren möchtest, dann versuch dich einfach mal ne Woche daran:
Put one up shackle me, not clean logic procreation
I did not invent the wheel I was the crooked spoke adjacent
While the triple sixers lassos keep angels roped in the basement
I walk the block with a halo and a stick poking your patience
Ya'll catch a 30 second flash visual
Dirty cooperative Neptune blue head hurt splits
Ridiculous fathom the splicing of first generation
fuck up or trickle down anti hero smack (Cracking!)
I paste the game to zero all completion green (Splash!)
Took an early retirement pick a dream
American nightmare hogging the screen
I'll hold the door open so you can stumble in
and you would stop following me around the jungle gym
Now it's an honor and I spell it with the 'H' I stole from heritage
Marry crutch stolen wretched refuge refuse my teaming resonance
I promise temperance storm breed with a leaning conscious
In a credence relax responsive with my sports outsource the wattage
And I'm sleeping now (Wow!) And the settlers laugh
You won't be laughing when your covered wagons crash
You won't be laughing when the buses drag your brother's flags into rags
You won't be laughing when your front lawn is spangled with epitaphs
You won't be laughing
And I hang my boots to rest when I'm impressed
So I triple knot them then I forgot them
This origami dream is beautiful
but man those wings will never leave the ground
Without a feather and a lottery ticket, now settle down