Warum isst (devouring) Saturn seinen Sohn?

1 Antwort

Es wurde voraussagt, dass einer seiner Söhne ihn vom Thron stürzen wird. Darum hat Saturn seine Kinder nach der Geburt gefressen.

Sein Eheweib versteckte den 3. Sohn, Jupiter, auf Kreta, um ihn zu retten.:

The Roman myth was inspired by the original Greek mythology, in which it had been foretold that one of the sons of Saturn (Cronus is his name in the Greek original myth) would overthrow him, just as Saturn had overthrown his father.
To prevent this, Saturn ate his children moments after each was born. His wife Ops eventually hid his third son, Jupiter, on the island of Crete, and deceived Saturn by offering a stone wrapped in swaddling in his place.
