Summary kontrollieren?

3 Antworten


ich hatte Mitleid, dass dir niemand hier deinen Text kontrolliert hat. Also habe ich das gemacht :)

Ich habe für besseres Verständnis die Sätze selbst korrigiert und mit Ineternet-Korrekturwebsites nochmals überprüft, ob ich alle Fehler habe.

Also, das ist dein korrigierter, also verbesserter Text:

Now I’m going to summarize a short part of a novel named “Nerve”, which is written by Jeanne Ryan, published in 2012 and deals with a girl named Vee and her first experience with the game “Nerve”.

A girl named Vee plays in an anonymous game named “Nerve”. After her first challenge, she blames herself. She promises that she will never ever do a challenge from Nerve again. But then Vee gets a new message from Nerve, that says that she will get the cool shoes she wants, when she goes to the café again and waits until a boy named Ian comes in and gives her a drink which she asked for. In the time he stands in the line she has to sing a song. Vee is unsure if she wants to do this and embarrassed herself more, but she will have the shoes. She involves her friend. He only says she shouldn’t do it. Then they have a discussion. Tommy gives up and says that he wants to help her with filming everything. She decides to do it. Until the end, she is scared and nervous.

Und dies ist dein Text, wie du ihn auf dem Blatt geschrieben hast (also noch ohne Korrekturen):

Now I’m going to summaries a short part of a nowel named “Nerve”, which is written by Jeanin Ryan, published in 2012 and deals with a girl named Vee and her first experience with the game “Nerve”.

A girl named Vee plays in an anonymous gave named Nerve. In her first chellenge she blames herself totally. She promises that she will never do a chellenge from Nerve again. But than Vee gets a new message from Nerve, that says that she will gets the cool shoes she wants, when she goes to the café again, wait until a boy named Ian comes in and gives her a drink which she asked for. In the time he stands in the line she has to sing a song. Vee is really unsure if she wants to do this and emberassed herself more but she will have the shoes. She involves her friend. He only says she shouldn’t do it. Than they have a discussion. Tommy gives up and says that he wants to help her with filming everything. She decides to do it. Until the end she is scared and nervous.

Liebe Grüsse


 02.09.2020, 22:28

Das ist echt super nett von dir!! Nach den Kommentaren zuerteile ,ist mein Text theoretisch für die Tonne, also nochmal danke dafür:)



es sind eine Reihe verschiedenster Fehler enthalten - z. B. schreibt man challenge und heißt blame nicht blamieren.

Für eine Korrektur wirst du dir aber schon die Mühe machen müssen, den Text hier reinzuhacken. So ist eine Korrektur viel zu mühsam und aufwändig!

Ansonsten empfehle ich für das Vokabular und die Rechtschreibung ein gutes (online) Wörterbuch, z.B.,

für die Grammatik und - und Finger weg vom Google Übelsetzer und seinen tr.tteligen Kollegen!

:-) AstridDerPu

 03.09.2020, 00:37

Now I’m going to summarize a short part of a novel named “Nerve”, which is written by Jeanne Ryan, published in 2012 and deals with a girl named Vee and her first experience with the game “Nerve”.

A girl named Vee plays in an anonymous game named “Nerve”. After her first challenge, she blames herself. She promises that she will never ever do a challenge from Nerve again. But then Vee gets a new message from Nerve, that says that she will get the cool shoes she wants, when she goes to the café again and waits until a boy named Ian comes in and gives her a drink which she asked for. In the time he stands in the line she has to sing a song. Vee is unsure if she wants to do this and embarrassed herself more, but she will have the shoes. She involves her friend. He only says she shouldn’t do it. Then they have a discussion. Tommy gives up and says that he wants to help her with filming everything. She decides to do it. Until the end, she is scared and nervous.



Ich wollte zwar anfangen dir zu helfen deinen Text zu überarbeiten, aber es ist an einigen Stellen verdammt schwierig zu verstehen, was du ausdrücken willst. Dein Problem ist hauptsächlich, dass du so schreibst, als wüssten die anderen auch worum es in dem Buch bzw. dem Auszug geht. Solange du also nicht zuerst an der Verständlichkeit arbeitest, ist es leider wenig sinnvoll dir zu helfen. Ich könnte dich deswegen auch nur auf einige grobe Rechtschreibfehler hinweisen und kleinere Tipps geben...