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2 Antworten

In some countries all over the world pupils have to wear uniforms. The color scheme and style varies from school to school. In other countries pupils are allowed to wear the clothes they choose. In those countries it could be difficult to introduce school uniforms, because they are not traditionally used to wear one. In the following essay I want to discuss the advantages to introduce school uniforms world wide.

So würde ich das jetzt schreiben...


nur was mir beim ersten flüchtigen Lesen aufgefallen ist:

In some countries all over the world, school children have to wear uniforms the color (AE) scheme and style varies from school to school. In other countries, pupils can wear to school what ever clothes they choose. Satzbau / Word Order

In those countries, it could be difficult to introduce school uniforms kein Komma because they (wer???) are not traditionally used to wearing one. In the following essay, I want to discuss the advantages to introduce (Präposition + Gerund) school uniforms world wide.

In my opinion, school uniforms in (Präposition( schools are positive but negative too because not every student have the same style (Stil) and they can't (in der Schriftsprache keine Kurzformen) decide which school uniforms they wanted to wear.

School uniforms are on the one side good (Satzbau) because a lot of children are victims of bullying because some of them haven’t (Verneinung mit do not) enough money to buy expensive and nice clothes. In this case, the school uniform is very practically (Adverb) and maybe a good problem-solving (Wortfehler).

On the other side, pupils cant (siehe oben) find our style and have to wear clothes that they **don’ t (siehe oben)

want to.

School uniforms can be nice but not every day.,It quickly becomes boring.

However, there are people around the world for which it is too expensive (kein Komma) always to buy a school uniform.

Children grow fast and because of that they have to buy an (Wortfehler) again and again. We must take into account that school uniforms might be expensive, (Komma) but the clothes that the kids need for school is not cheaper and they have to be buy (past participle) again and again, too.

On the other hand, if the pupils wear school uniforms, there is not a difference between rich and poor wem ???.

Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

:-) AstridDerPu