Englisch Referat über Spanien
Hallo, hier mein Referat ist es ok so.
I have choose the country spain. I was in spain 3 Times in holidays and I think its a nice country. In Spain the people welcoming other people with shaking hands, and if the people better know with peck on the cheek first right than left. They like eye controll by the welcoming. The spanish say to welcoming hola and to leave talking adios. The spanish speak a lot, loud and manual with their hands. They dont want to hear about uncomfortable truths, and dont access our job experience and our success to much. They dont like the topic to speak about relicion or bullfights. The topics they like are family, sport or our home country. The spanish dont like to speak spain becaus they are very proud of their country. For breakfast the people in spain like coffe with milk and muffins or croissant. The lunch in Spain is from 2 pm till 4 pm. A typical lunch exists three course. First course is a salad or soup or Tapas. Tapas are traditonal is a kind of a snack. The entree of Lunch is meat or fish. The dessert is most a ice or pudding. The dinner is less than the lunch and its is from 9 pm till 11 pm. Traditonal spain food is paella or tapas and they like to eat fish or seafood. Spanish people are muslims also they dont eat pork. In Spain the people make siesta from 2 pm till 5 pm .
Themen sind begrüßung,/gewohnheiten Small Talk Themen Besonderheiten Essen/schlafen
3 Antworten
Fehlt von den Inhalten was wichtiges?
- I have chosen
- The people welcome other people with a handshake
- eye contact when welcoming each other
- The spanish people greet each other by saying "Hola" and "Adios" when they leave
- ...is often ice cream or pudding
- The people have siesta
92% der Spanier sind katholisch...
Und auch den letzten Absatz würd ich nochmal etwas genauer lesen.
Kleiner Tipp: Mach dir für Referate Stichpunkte, weil ganzer Text sieht abgelesen aus und klingt auch dementsprechend.
Gut, zwar ein paar fehler aber für ein 6-7 klässler in ordnung