Wie findet ihr die Einleitung ( Summary )?

6 Antworten

The story "Bend it like Beckham" written by "Autor" in "Jahr" deals with an indian girl named Jess who plays football against the will of her parents.Bend it like Beckham shows the difficult life of a girl who grows up in a conservative family.

So würde ich das jetzt schreiben :)

earnest  05.04.2016, 20:30


-Der eingeschobene Teil nach "Beckham" muss durch Kommata abgetrennt werden.

-Der Buchtitel sollte durch Anführungszeichen gekennzeichnet werden.

 05.04.2016, 20:14


The Story "Bend it like Beckham" was written by "Autor" in "Jahr".The Story is about an indian girl called Jess, who plays football against the will of her parents.Bend it like beckham Illustrates the difficult life of girls who grow up in a conservative parents house.

earnest  05.04.2016, 20:27



-"Bend It Like Beckham" illustrates the difficult life of a girl who grows up with conservative parents (bei dir müsste nach "parents" ein Apostroph stehen).

 05.04.2016, 20:12

Danke !!!

The Story "Bend it like Beckham" was written by "Autor" in "Jahr".The Story is about a india girl by the name of Jess who plays football against the will of her parents.Bend it like beckham Illustrates the (difficult life )of girls who grow up in a conservative parents house.

kleine fehler noch gefunden, sonst gut

earnest  05.04.2016, 20:32


-an Indian girl

-"Bend It Like Beckham" illustrates

-parents' (mit Apostroph)

Achja und an india girl. Ist das aus dem camden town buch ?:D

Indian girl!

 05.04.2016, 20:53

habe ich jetzt auch verstanden...