Ohrenblume wo giebs die?

2 Antworten

"Cymbopetalum pendiculiflorum"


Cymbopetalum is a genus of plant in family Annonaceae. The Linnean name derives from the Latin cymba, meaning “boat,” and petalum, meaning "petal.”

Some species such as C. penduliflorum and C. costaricense were traditionally used to flavor chocolate.

frodobeutlin100  29.12.2019, 22:21


das ist übrigens ein Baum der 10 bis 23 Meter hoch wird

Cymbopetalum penduliflorum is a tree with a pyramidal or spreading crown that usually grows from 10 - 23 metres tall with a bole that can be 25 cm or more in diameter. The curious, large, pendent flowers are very fragrant with petals that have fancifully been likened to the human ear.

An ancient crop of the Aztecs in Mexico, the plant is now rarely cultivated for its flowers in Mexico and Guatemala.


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