Könntest du in deiner Wohnung sein und von deinen Nachbarn negative Energie durch die Wände bekommen?

4 Antworten

das eher weniger, aber Elektrosmog kann durch die Wände negativ beeinflussen

kakapipihose  17.02.2018, 13:42

So ein Humbug, noch mehr Elektrosmog-Hypochonder

BlueIris  17.02.2018, 13:43

Blödsinn deine Antwort, ich habe selbst schon messen lassen und Messungen durchgeführt. Es ist 1000% erwiesen, dass Elektrosmog krank macht. Google doch selbst, wenn du es nicht glaubst. Mit Hypochonder hat das herzlich wenig zu tun....

 17.02.2018, 14:00


I thought to be confronted with laughter here!

But… there is no scientific basis for that!

I have deeply researched on myself the possibility of myself thinking negative and not receiving these thoughts form anyone!

So I tried to think positive!

It didn’t work!

Even in my highest mood I get depressed in my apartment!

There is really something as telepathy that we have a word for it! And it is killing me!

It is not because I am depressed or something, the telepathy is really working!

My man brain is so good that it can damn read thoughts even from behind the thick walls!

It’s a sixth sense which I and you defiantly don’t want it at all!

Such a detrimental sixths sense!

And the word telepathy has still not left us alone! We have a word for it!

But how this damn thing even works?

Why science always says it can’t be possible! Or does it say such a thing or instead it just has no idea at all?

We really don’t know our brains even in 2018!

It is the saddest thing in the world!

Except my 5 senses, I have got this damn unwanted sixth sense which works better than all the others 5s and is responsible to gather all the damn worthless thoughts of others like a piece of cake even when I am inside my damn apartment hoping for peace of mind!

Very sad!

Such a huge evolutional problem!

This damn sixth sense is built inside all of us!

Usually some kind of waves such as the sound waves is its transmission medium.

And so perplexing!

How our damn brain can eve do this for the sake of god?


ja das geht

 17.02.2018, 14:00


I thought to be confronted with laughter here!

But… there is no scientific basis for that!

I have deeply researched on myself the possibility of myself thinking negative and not receiving these thoughts form anyone!

So I tried to think positive!

It didn’t work!

Even in my highest mood I get depressed in my apartment!

There is really something as telepathy that we have a word for it! And it is killing me!

It is not because I am depressed or something, the telepathy is really working!

My man brain is so good that it can damn read thoughts even from behind the thick walls!

It’s a sixth sense which I and you defiantly don’t want it at all!

Such a detrimental sixths sense!

And the word telepathy has still not left us alone! We have a word for it!

But how this damn thing even works?

Why science always says it can’t be possible! Or does it say such a thing or instead it just has no idea at all?

We really don’t know our brains even in 2018!

It is the saddest thing in the world!

Except my 5 senses, I have got this damn unwanted sixth sense which works better than all the others 5s and is responsible to gather all the damn worthless thoughts of others like a piece of cake even when I am inside my damn apartment hoping for peace of mind!

Very sad!

Such a huge evolutional problem!

This damn sixth sense is built inside all of us!

Usually some kind of waves such as the sound waves is its transmission medium.

And so perplexing!

How our damn brain can eve do this for the sake of god?


Nö. Hab einen Mechanismus, wo die negative Energie in doppelter Idensität zum Sender zurück geht. Egal wie schlecht es jemand mit mir meint, Ihm gehts immer doppelt so schlecht :D

 17.02.2018, 14:00


I thought to be confronted with laughter here!

But… there is no scientific basis for that!

I have deeply researched on myself the possibility of myself thinking negative and not receiving these thoughts form anyone!

So I tried to think positive!

It didn’t work!

Even in my highest mood I get depressed in my apartment!

There is really something as telepathy that we have a word for it! And it is killing me!

It is not because I am depressed or something, the telepathy is really working!

My man brain is so good that it can damn read thoughts even from behind the thick walls!

It’s a sixth sense which I and you defiantly don’t want it at all!

Such a detrimental sixths sense!

And the word telepathy has still not left us alone! We have a word for it!

But how this damn thing even works?

Why science always says it can’t be possible! Or does it say such a thing or instead it just has no idea at all?

We really don’t know our brains even in 2018!

It is the saddest thing in the world!

Except my 5 senses, I have got this damn unwanted sixth sense which works better than all the others 5s and is responsible to gather all the damn worthless thoughts of others like a piece of cake even when I am inside my damn apartment hoping for peace of mind!

Very sad!

Such a huge evolutional problem!

This damn sixth sense is built inside all of us!

Usually some kind of waves such as the sound waves is its transmission medium.

And so perplexing!

How our damn brain can eve do this for the sake of god?


Wenn diese Energien als schreckliche Schlagermusik bei mir ankommen, dann auf jeden Fall.

 17.02.2018, 14:00


I thought to be confronted with laughter here!

But… there is no scientific basis for that!

I have deeply researched on myself the possibility of myself thinking negative and not receiving these thoughts form anyone!

So I tried to think positive!

It didn’t work!

Even in my highest mood I get depressed in my apartment!

There is really something as telepathy that we have a word for it! And it is killing me!

It is not because I am depressed or something, the telepathy is really working!

My man brain is so good that it can damn read thoughts even from behind the thick walls!

It’s a sixth sense which I and you defiantly don’t want it at all!

Such a detrimental sixths sense!

And the word telepathy has still not left us alone! We have a word for it!

But how this damn thing even works?

Why science always says it can’t be possible! Or does it say such a thing or instead it just has no idea at all?

We really don’t know our brains even in 2018!

It is the saddest thing in the world!

Except my 5 senses, I have got this damn unwanted sixth sense which works better than all the others 5s and is responsible to gather all the damn worthless thoughts of others like a piece of cake even when I am inside my damn apartment hoping for peace of mind!

Very sad!

Such a huge evolutional problem!

This damn sixth sense is built inside all of us!

Usually some kind of waves such as the sound waves is its transmission medium.

And so perplexing!

How our damn brain can eve do this for the sake of god?