Hallo, Ich möchte gerne fragen ob mein summary Text gut geworden ist? Ihr könnt mir gerne bzw. Ich bitte drum mir paar Tipps zu geben um sie zu verbessern oder auch wenn ihr möchtet mein Text ganz zu verbessern (Wäre sehr dankbar dafür) Ich mache solche Aufgabe das erste mal also bitte ich euch nicht so gemein zu sein.
The Text „History of New Zealand“ Deals With important and intersesting informations and facts about the History of New Zealand.
The First Text is about the Arrival of Maori. The informations are about that the first inhabitants in New Zealand were Maori, and that New Zealand is Valley Aotearora. Next informations are about the First Explorer to reach New Zealand and that he travelled in his waka Hourua (big canoe) from his Polynesian homeland, Hawaiki. In the third part they write about where is Hawaiki? They Write that hawaiki cannot be found on map. In the next part the writer writes about what maori eat? It says that maori eat Fish, hunted native birds, vegetables and also native food like berries.
The writer writes in the next Text about that In 1840 the treaty of waitangi was signed by maori and British reprensentatives and that in 1872 the wars over land had ended, moreover he also write in the next topic about maori culture it says that most maori lived in rural communities , in the 1970s the maori language became more important and that the first Officially bilingual school opened in 1978. All in all is the history of New Zealand very fascinating.