Summary "The Land Lady" : Bitte mal drüber lesen ;)

Hey :)

Ich habe eine Summary zu der Kurzgeschichte "The Land Lady" von Roald Dahl geschrieben und bräuchte jemand der mal für mich drüber liest. :) Bitte auch nicht nur auf Grammatik udn Rechtschreibfehler achten sondern auch auf Inhalt usw.

Danke schonmal ;)

In the following I´m going to summarize the short story "The Land Lady" written by Roald Dahl. Seventeen year-old Billy Weaver has to take a journey from London to Bath for giving a report due to his work at London Head Office. Arrived in Bath, Billy asks the porter for a good and cheap hotel to stay the night. The porter recommends "The Bell and Dragon". On his way to the hotel, Billy notices a lovely decorated house, which he likes at first moment. As he finds a printed notice with the inscription "BED AND BREAKFAST" he can´t walk away and presses the bell. A nice mid-forty woman opens. Owing to the cheap price, Billy chooses to stay. Thus the woman shows him parts of the house including his room. She also wants him to sign the guest book before going to sleep. While drinking a cup of tea with the land lady, Billy notices that the book got only two entries by men, whose names sound familiar to him. Further those entries are about two and three years old. Besides he remembers the mens´names from newspaper articles he read. The story ends with Billy asking the land lady if she ever had any other guests except the two man. Finally she answered that he was the only guest.

Englisch, Lernen, Schule, Geschichte, England, Sprache