
3 Antworten

Last summer holiday, I went to Egypt. One day, my family and I decided to explore the pyramids. As we rode through the sandy desert, the sun was shining brightly and the air felt warm on our faces.
When we arrived, we met our friendly tour guide, Ahmed. He told us fascinating stories about the pharaohs who built the pyramids.
We climbed up a pyramid and the view from up there was breathtaking. After enjoying the view, Ahmed led us inside the pyramid and showed us the grave chambers where the pharaohs were laid to rest in peace.
As we were on our way out of the pyramid, we noticed a secret tunnel! Carefully, we entered it. The walls were full with colorful paintings.
Suddenly, we reached a hidden chamber filled with gold and jewels.
We couldn't believe our luck. We spent hours exploring the hidden chamber.
As we finally made our way back to the entrance, our hearts were filled with joy.
On our journey back home, we couldn't stop talking about our amazing day at the pyramids.
I cannot wait to travel to Egypt again.

Strand, Baden und Tauchen

Ausflug auf Kamelen

Schifffahrt auf dem Nil

Pyramidenbesichtigung, Sphinx, Tal der Könige

AstridDerPu  21.06.2023, 15:28

Zwei D...., ein Gedanke 😎☺️🙃