5 minuten Englisch Referat HILFE
HALLO ich brauche Dringend eure HILFE !!! ich muss ein Englisch referat machen und habe das Thema: über mich und meine Famiele genommen . naja nun habe ich folgendes Problem das referat ist schon disen Freitag und ich habe schon was Vorbereitet aber dazu brauche ich nur 3 minuten also brauche ich nun eure Hilfe !!!! ich brauche noch 2 minuten Das ist mein Referat.
I want to tell you something about me and my family. My name is Kevin Hansche and I'm fifteen years old. I was born in Berlin and 2005, my parents and I moved to Radolfzell Berlin is a very beautiful city and Berlin is the capital of Germany. But Radolfzell is also very nice. I have found many friends here. The Name of my scool is Radoldoldushool this is in radolfzell and I visit the 9th class. I´m the class President. I have two half brothers, their names are Patrick and Jeffrey. My half brothers live in Berlin, My mother works as a saleswoman and my father works as a bricklayer in Switzerland My Hobbies are cycling and playing football with my frinds. In the summer i like to swimming in the lake and in the winter i like to skiing in the mountains. I also enjoy playing online games by the laptop. I have not a pet, but when i lived in Berlin i had a pet. We have had 2 Degos but they are died Now i like to have a cat but my mum has a allergy. My favorite meal is cutlet and i hate
6 Antworten
Da das Thema nicht nur du, sondern du und deine Familie ist, kannst du noch von deinem opa eltern etc, was dazu nehmen, zB. was dien Opa im 2. Weltkrieg gemacht hat, oder 1968 usw.
bei deinen hobbies brauchste nich "i like to swimming" oder "i like to skiing" schreiben sondern nur "swim" und "ski". beim haustier würd ich "i don't have a pet" und anstatt "..but they are died" "they are dead" schreiben. und es heißt "but my mum has an allergy".
und zum schluss noch anstatt "this education will be 3 years" ".. will take 3 years". hoffe du verstehst das einigermaßen :D
okay danke leute hoffe kriege weiter so gute Tips ... :D
ich würde noch mehr über deine Zukunftspläne schreiben (nicht nur über den Berufswunsch).
-Willst du denn mal eine Familie gründen?
-Willst du in Radolfzell wohnen bleiben?
-Wohin würdest du denn gerne mal verreisen (Lieblingsreiseziel - und warum ausgerechnet dahin)?
das ist die Fortsetzung hat nicht alles rauf gepasst
I like to tinker with electrical appliances. Here I use motors, lights and cables.
When i finished this school i want to get an Education as an electrician.
This education will be 3 Years.
I have already made 2 times a placement as an electrician. And i had a lot of fun
I hope i will get a good certificate then i can start in my Education
Und hier der Rest:
spinach. I like to tinker with electrical appliances, to this end /for this I use motors, lights and cables. When I have finished school, I want to serve an apprenticeship as an electrician, which will take 3 years. I have already done a practical training as an electrician twice. And I had a lot of fun. I hope I will get a good leaving certificate so that I can start in my apprenticeship.
When I'm older, I would like to move back to Berlin because I love Berlin and was born there.
Nicht unbedingt schön, aber selten, mit vielen Fehlern.
:-) AstridDerPu