Englisch Referat über mich und meine Familie! VERBESSERUNG BITTE!

1 Antwort

Hello, my name is Linda G... and I am 16 years old since the 10. April 1997. Now I tell them some things about my family.

I have 1 brother and 1 sister both are younger than me. The name from my brother is Labinot he’s 12 years old. He goes at the Dreifaltigkeits-Mittelschule Amberg. The name from my sister is Shkrute she’s 15, in other words, she enters puberty. She goes to the Luitpoldschule Amberg. My father and my brother have birthday on the same day. My father will be 50.

My mother is 48 years old she has married my father at the age of 25. she couldn't have any children hier fehlt eine Präposition about 7 years (sie konnte 7 Jahre lang keine Kinder bekommen). My mother and my father was born in Kosovo. They first (Position) went after

Kroatia and live there hier fehlt eine Präposition about 4 years because my father has worked there. They live in Kroatia with my oncle and his wife. After 4 years Komma they went to Germany as asylum seekers. First they was in Cham, after then they went hier fehlt eine Präposition

amberg. Then I was born.

My family and I live here in Amberg. We life in a beautiful house. At home Komma we speak more Albanian than german. It's very important hier fehlt ein Wort be able to master his mother tongue kein Komma because we visit our home country. We visit every year my related in Kosovo they live in the capital, Prishtina. (Satzstellung) And (kein Satzanfang) we visit Ulqin for 10 days. this is a beach city in Montonegro.

Now I tell them a little hier fehlt ein Wort about myself and my best friend. In the future Komma

i would to work in a büro. I would like hier fehlt ein Wort have a nice future. The important hier fehlt ein Wort is that I have a good Job kein Komma and a nice family. But first i must have a good school graduation. My favourite hobby is shopping. I love (---) to buy new clothes. But I have so little money. I'm a stundent and have no money.

I have a best friend. Her name is Isabel she's 15. She has long fair hair. She looks like a Barbie. She is so beautiful. Sometimes Komma she is a hier fehlt ein Wort bit crazy, but it's very funny. We just laughter every day when we are at school. That's not ok, but we can't otherwise. She is awesome.

Das Fettgedruckte muss korrigiert werden. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

Für das Vokabular und die Rechtschreibung empfehle ich ein gutes (online) Wörterbuch, z.B. pons.eu,

für die Grammatik ego4u.de und englisch-hilfen.de.

:-) AstridDerPu

 27.04.2013, 16:51

Dankeschön, das ging aber schnell :D