Das kenn ich glaube mir das haben viele also ich versuche immer früher zu schlafen oder nach der schule direkt duschen

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ehh sry habe vergessen mein referat aus zu schreiben also : size : to 1,2 m weght: to 35 kg speed: to 40 km/h food: grass,Plants , mosses

wombats are marsupials. They look like small bears.They are with koalas and kangurus related. One sees a wombat only seldom then a wombat spends 2/3 his lives underground and they are nights active. His favorite employment is to dig caves that can be up to 200 m long. Every two years a Wombat female bears a young that is so big in the birth just as a pea. in the first months it grows up in the bag of the mother. Special is in the bag; it is in the back of the female

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