Probier mal die App „ELSA: Learn and Speak English.“

Die nimmt dich auf wie du sprichst, erkennt Aussprache und Fehler und gibt dir Tipps. Ich glaub 5 Einheiten am Tag sind gratis, sonst müsstest du zahlen. Ich bin aber mit der gratis Version, da ichs für ein paar Monate jeden Tag gemacht hab, sehr weit gekommen.

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…that life in New York can be great and bad at the same time. The picture on the left shows a well-dressed woman standing in front of big skyscrapers, maybe she works there. Because of her clothes and her appearance it seems like she is rich and has a well-paid shop. She seems really satisfied with her life.

The right picture shows the exact opposite. You can see a man who looks really poor and lives on the street, so he could be homeless. His clothes are old an dirty and he seems unhappy and sad. He is carrying a sign which says: Help. Maybe he needs help to get out of his miserable situation, like finding a job or getting something to eat.

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