Wie kann man bei einer mündlichen Prüfung in englisch die Diskussion beginnen wenn man der Leader ist habt ihr da so Beispielsätze?

1 Antwort

Das Thema einzuleiten ist super.
Beispiel: Can rapid economic growth increase life quality for the majority in India?


India is the country with the second most inhabitants on our planet. But for many Indians, making a living is quite the hustle--better yet, many Indians are very poor nonetheless. However, things have been on the rise in India lately: The economy has been growing, the caste system is slowly but surely vanishing and great improvements have been taking place regarding the overcoming of patriarchy, homophobia and rigidness in general. Let us ask the question, if rapid economic growth is the main driver of this change and will be in the future.
Woher ich das weiß:Studium / Ausbildung