Schöne Sprüche die aufbauen (englisch)?
Heyh, ich möchte eine Fotowand mit vielen Komplimenten machen. Zum Beispiel steht auf einem Bild: „You‘re perfect you are“ oder „Be strong“ oder „Never give up“ oder „Look into the mirrow. What did you see? I see a beautiful person.“ usw.. Vorschläge? ^-^
4 Antworten
•Wake up every morning and tell yourself you're bada** bit** and that no one can fu** with you
•Belive in yourself even if everyone else doesn't
•Do something today that your future self will thank you for
•Happiness looks gorgeous on you
•Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it
•Do not take life too serious. You will never get out of it alive
Your smile is everything worth it
Now let me see the fire in you
Be beautiful in your own way
With you by my side everything gets fly
You're a gorgeous girl
Go and rock it,girl
Express yourself
Oh my god...Your beauty blinds me
It's getting hot in here...please leave this place
Find your inspiration...start with yourself
You are amazing
Love yourself first
-The wolf on the hill is never as hungry as the wolf climbing the hill - always be that wolf!
You're looking better than ever, Miss Sophie.