Passt es so wie ich meinen Englisch Text geschrieben habe. Denn auf der Tafel steht das ich ein Blog schreiben muss?

 - (Englisch, Grammatik, Blog)

1 Antwort

Grundsätzlich passt der Text so für einen Blog-Eintrag.

An einigen Stellen ist mir nicht klar, ob der englische Text ausdrückt, was du sagen willst; z. B. wenn du uncover statt discover, twist statt turn oder tale statt story verwendest. Deshalb wäre es gut, wenn du deinen Text auch in Deutsch hochladen würdest. Dann schau ich gern nochmal hin.

Ansonsten würde ich folgendes ändern:

Navigating the Green Path

Going the Green Way

A Personal Tale of Waste, ...

A Personal Story about Waste, ...

understanding our impact on the environment can feel like navigating a maze

understanding the impact we have on the environment can feel like a maze

I uncovered the fascinating processes

I discovered the fascinating processes

Upcycling became a revelation, turning my old belongings into stylish decor and infusing sustainability with a personal touch

Upcycling became a revelation: I turned my old things into stylish decorations and added a personal touch to sustainability

... materials are recycled into lower-quality items

... materials are recycled into low-value items

... make informed choices, acknowledging that not all recycling is created equal

... make a conscious decision and realize that not all recycling is the same

It's not just about discarding items but transforming and repurposing them, creating a sustainable cycle

It's not just about throwing things away, but transforming and reusing them to create a sustainable cycle

Join me as we explore the beauty of recycling, upcycling, and the conscious choices that lead to a greener tomorrow and making a difference one thoughtful decision at a time

Join me as we explore the beauty of recycling, upcycling and making conscious choices that lead to a greener future and make a difference with every thoughtful decision

Woher ich das weiß:Studium / Ausbildung – Literatur & Praxis in Studium & Beruf; verhandlungssicher