Participle constructions with when and while?

2 Antworten


While (Hier fehlt das Subjekt.) was sitting in (---) school, Peter wrote a test.

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:-) AstridDerPu

 - (Schule, Englisch, Grammatik)

Beispiele zum Verständnis:

Lisa is talking. She's doing her make-up

–> While Lisa is talking, she's doing her make-up OR While she's doing her make-up, Lisa is talking.

Thomas is cooking food. He's drinking water.

–> While Thomas is cooking food, he's drinking water OR While he's drinking, Thomas is cooking food.

Emma is studying in the library. She's eating a bagel.

–> While Emma is studying in the library, she's eating a bagel OR While she's eating a bagel, Emma is studying in the library.

Vergiss das Komma nicht, welches den while-Satz durch den anderen trennt :]