Nikon d5300 regenfest?

3 Antworten

Ein paar Tropfen hält sie natürlich aus, aber sie direkt Unterwasser zu setzen wäre keine gute Idee. 

Nein, sie ist nicht Wasser/Regen-dicht. Sie hält vielleicht ein paar Tropfen aus.

Quelle: - ''The D5300 is an entry-level DSLR and is not weatherproof at all. As most cameras, it will handle a few drops of water or snow but you should not let it get wet.''

-> There are things called rain-covers which are basically ponchos for a camera which you can buy to use your D5300 in the rain. Its a little cumbersome to work with and you have to be careful because it is not a sealed bag, but can do for occasional rain. These cost $50-$100 the last time I checked. There different sizes are to accommodate different lenses.

Nicht wetterfest,erst die 7000er-Serie