Email/Letter to an agony aunt /Englischarbeit 10.Klasse

2 Antworten

You have ten cats, but you find life defnitely not worth living if you don't have a full dozen of them, yet your parents won't permit your buying two more kittens. Isn't that a shame? They are so terribly stubborn, Mum and Dad, and you are so awfully depressed now. What would Auntie suggest? Would suicide be a solution? What has so far prevented you from seriously considering it, is the question how your parents would cope with those ten cats that you own at present. And above all, would all ten be allowed to visit your grave? And if set free, would they be able to find it at all? That is really tormenting you,. you can't eat, you can't sleep, how will this all end?

schreib doch einfach über irgendein alttägliches problem: - eltern nerven - stress mit dem freund - schlechte noten etc etc. probleme gibt's soooo viele ;)

und such dir vorher die richtigen vokabeln raus.

bei choices und decisions kannst du themen nehmen wie - soll ich mit meinem freund schluss machen - ich bin schwanger, behalten oder abtreiben? - was soll ich nach der schule studieren? vor - und nachteile verschiedener Fächer