Well you know everything's gonna be a breeze that the end will no doubt justify the means You could fix any problem at the slightest ease Yes, please... Well you might find out It'll go to your head When you write a report on a book you never read With the snap of your fingers you can make your bed That's what I said

Everything is not what it seems When you can get all you wanted in your wildest dreams You might run into trouble if you go to extremes Because everything is not what it seems

Everything is not what it seems When you can get what you want by the simplest of means Be careful not to mess with the balance of things Because everything is not what it seems

...zur Antwort

also wir mussten eine Analyse zu einer Rezension schreiben.... jeder hatte die gleiche Rezension,ich mein da ist es ja logisch das fast jeder das selbe geschrieben hat?

...zur Antwort
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