Woojin skandal?

Ja! Auf jeden Fall 33%
Nein! Ganz sicher nicht! 33%
Keine Ahnung 🤷🏽‍♀️ 33%

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Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

" skz verlassen wegen seinem Skandal" man weiß nicht genau weshalb woojin and verlassen hat. dieser skandal ist ja auch offdnsichtlich monate später passiert. es kann sein dass er wegen etwas ähnlichem rausgeflogen ist aber deine aussage stimmt so direkt nicht und ist bisschen misleading. aber nicht wild, wollte es nur kurz anmerken:)

Woher ich das weiß:Hobby
Keine Ahnung 🤷🏽‍♀️

Hm, inzwischen wurde gesagt, dass er unschuldig ist und dass nichts davon stimmt. Aber er kommt mir trotzdem verdächtig vor und das "Believe in Stray Kids 8" von Felix ist auch irgendein Hinweis. Als er damals sein Insta Account geöffnet hat, habe ich ihm gefolgt und so, wollte ihn supporten. Naja, jetzt nicht mehr, aber ich hate ihn nicht oder so, sondern einfach ignorieren

Nein! Ganz sicher nicht!

Hey wie immer bin total uninformiert... könntest du mir erläutern was passiert ist??? Bin bei sowas immer die letzte die es erfährt...


 13.01.2021, 17:25

So Woojin an ex member of Stray kids. Has recently been involved in a scandal which people believe was the reason why he left Stray kids.

So a female unknown unknown, accused Woojin of sexual her claiming he said he like foreign girls because of something something, she said she had proof. Chinese club were going to release some evidence with him and some members from NCT. But the Chinese clubs says it only him.

Then Woojin who wasn't apologizing, what he did was reassure his fans that, I'm not guilty, please look forward to my album he was promoting himself people may think that it was bad idea, but if you ask me his upcoming album is probably known by everyone hopefully he drops some tea.

People said his company was fake that he stole a logo from a furniture store. His company as the same name as some DJ company , people asked if they housed Woojin which they denied it. People where then sure that Woojin made this up company. And ate him up. The company did release a statement saying that they will take legal action. People took it was a joke. ( well jokes on you) With this they released proof.

What triggered more was the post Stray kids made I know he was defending himself but that was uncalled for people then took it to burn destroy his photos or his mech. Which is extremely, completely evil, would you burn your photos uhhh that's some voodoo shi*. Everyone through that this is the reason why Woojin was casted out. Note that I'm just explaining what happened.

But teen Vogue did an article on them the company sent proof that they were in fact real. Of course Woojin had a new company, no current one would take him, his blacklist. We don't know maybe he has some rich cousin.

Here's my opinion

These people went so deep but didn't dig further. I didn't to but I know this some logo designs are free anyone can use it no claim no charge, these are temporary, which I feel what happened here.

With the proof they had meants that Woojin and this company were together for a while and is strict with him. Knowing where his at times. And this was after he left the company. So Stays leave him alone his scandal wouldn't hurt them.

No one has actually spoke about this his possible innocents ,I seen so many bash him but did they apologize no. He deleted his Instagram, the company is worried about him. Leave him alone please.

What I hated is that he probably had this comeback planned out when he was going to reveal his company, announcing a new album but that all destroyed in seconds. Please keep in mind I don't know him nor do I like Stray kids this was a totally unbiased.

Also accused of rape, and the rest are forgetten.

hoffe auf English ist ok