Wie hoch ist die maximale Sinkrate, die beispielsweise bei einem Notabstieg mit einem modernen Verkehrsflugzeug erzielt werden kann?

2 Antworten

Bis zu 1.500 m pro Minute nach Druckverlust.

Woher ich das weiß:eigene Erfahrung

Es gibt keine generelle Antwort, da die Sinkrate je nach Flugzeugdesign und Herstellervorgaben unterschiedlich.

"Emergency descent training should be performed as recommended by the manufacturer, including the configuration and airspeeds. 

The pilot should not allow the airplane’s airspeed to pass the never-exceed speed (VNE), the maximum landing gear extended speed (VLE), or the maximum flap extended speed (VFE), as applicable.

If the descent is conducted in turbulent conditions, the pilot must also comply with the design maneuvering speed (VA) limitations. 

The descent should be made at the maximum allowable airspeed consistent with the procedure used. This provides increased drag and, therefore, the loss of altitude as quickly as possible. The recovery from an emergency descent should be initiated at a high enough altitude to ensure a safe recovery back to level flight or a precautionary landing."  

(Quelle: FAA-Info)