Was ist eine Primacy?

1 Antwort

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Urban primacy

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In urban studies, urban primacy indicates the ratio of the largest city to the next largest i.e the second largest in a country. Such a city is called a primate city.
In other words, urban primacy can be defined as the central place in an
urban or city network that has acquired or obtained a great level of
dominance. The level of dominance is measured by population density and
the number of functions offered. Higher functions and population will
result in higher dominance.

Wenn dieser Begriff gemeint ist, dann hat das Primat EINER Stadt in einem Land durchaus Nachteile, denn die anderen Landesteile drohen dadurch zu verkümmern, werden immer mehr zur  "Provinz" und können sogar verarmen, weil immer mehr Einwohner in die wichtigste Stadt (oft = Hauptstadt) ziehen.