Ist das ein korrekter englischer Text?

1 Antwort

So hab ich mal durchgeguckt, hast du gut gemacht - bis auf ein ppar Kleinigkeiten:

What I did during the holidays. At Christmas I and my family went to buy a Christmas tree, then decorated it. In the evening we ate together. Then we gave each other presents.. I was given money to get my driver's license. During the holidays I went to the gym. I often met my friends. We went shopping in Munich and went to the cinema. On New Year's Eve, I celebrated my birthday with some friends. I celebrated New Year with my friends, I made many friends. . After New years' Day I've only rested for a few days . 3 days after New Year's Eve , it was my mother's birthday.Some relatives from Frankfurt came to see us, after 3 days they left .The last weekend I've spent with my friends

Bswss  09.01.2012, 16:34

Noch ein paar Korrekturen:

The day before Christmas / On Christmas Eve we went out to buy ... After New Year's Day I took a rest for a few days.... I spent the last weekend with my friends (Satzstellung!)

(Am 25.12. kann man keinen Weihnachstbaum mehr kaufen).

user957  09.01.2012, 16:06

ist etwas falsch:

Then we gave presents to each other (du kannst die engl. Sätze nicht einfach "verdeutschen")

On New Year´s Eve .. kein Komma .. I celebrated...

After New Year´s Day I´ve only...

3 day after New Year´s Eve... kein Komma .. it was

I´ve spent the last weekend with my friends.

Ende ^^

Bswss  09.01.2012, 16:35

"I've spent" ist falsch - abgeschlossene Handlung, also:** I spent -** simple past!