Ist das ein korrekter englischer Text?
Hallo ich soll für die schule ein Bericht über meine Ferien schreiben & das auf englischich hab jetzt mal versucht was zu schreiben da meine eltern kein englisch können und ich auch leider nicht weiss an wen ich mich wenden kann wollte ich hier mal Fragen ob das ein korekter text ist und was man daran verbessern muss .. ( ich gehe in die Hauptschule )
What I did during the holidays. At Christmas I and my family went to buy a Christmas tree, then we have it decorated yet. In the evening we ate together. Then we rewardedeach other. I have money to get my driver's license. Over the holidays I used to go to my gym. I have often met with my friends. we went shopping in munich and went into the cinema. one day before new year I celebrated my birthday with some friends. I celebrated New Year with my friends, I have met many new people. After new year I've rested for a few days only. 3 days after New Year's Eve my mother's birthday.There are some relatives in Frankfurt came to us after 3 days they are gone again.The last weekend I've spent with my friends
1 Antwort
So hab ich mal durchgeguckt, hast du gut gemacht - bis auf ein ppar Kleinigkeiten:
What I did during the holidays. At Christmas I and my family went to buy a Christmas tree, then decorated it. In the evening we ate together. Then we gave each other presents.. I was given money to get my driver's license. During the holidays I went to the gym. I often met my friends. We went shopping in Munich and went to the cinema. On New Year's Eve, I celebrated my birthday with some friends. I celebrated New Year with my friends, I made many friends. . After New years' Day I've only rested for a few days . 3 days after New Year's Eve , it was my mother's birthday.Some relatives from Frankfurt came to see us, after 3 days they left .The last weekend I've spent with my friends
Noch ein paar Korrekturen:
The day before Christmas / On Christmas Eve we went out to buy ... After New Year's Day I took a rest for a few days.... I spent the last weekend with my friends (Satzstellung!)
(Am 25.12. kann man keinen Weihnachstbaum mehr kaufen).
ist etwas falsch:
Then we gave presents to each other (du kannst die engl. Sätze nicht einfach "verdeutschen")
On New Year´s Eve .. kein Komma .. I celebrated...
After New Year´s Day I´ve only...
3 day after New Year´s Eve... kein Komma .. it was
I´ve spent the last weekend with my friends.
Ende ^^