Canon eos 1200D Reihenaufnahme mit Verschlusszeit?

3 Antworten


die 1200D kann 3 Bracketingbilder mit maximal 5 Lichtwerte Spreizung. Je nach gewählten Modus wird auch bzw nur die Verschlusszeit variiert (Zeitautomatik, Programmautomatik) im M Modus nur die ISO.

Der 18MP Sensor kann in CR2 bei ISO100 um 11 Lichtwerte Dynamik abbilden (Bei ISO 1600 sind es nur noch um 6). Da braucht man eigentlich nicht mehr HDR per Braketing wie früher als Sensoren maximal 6-8 Lichtwerte sauber umsetzen konnten.

Und mit 5EV Spreizung über 3 Bilder kommt man auf um 15EV Dynamik (Das können aktuelle Sony/Nikon/Pentax und Samsung APS-C Sensoren ohne Braketing mit einer Aufnahme aber der Canon Sensor ist ja jetzt bald 8 Jahre auf dem Markt...)


Für HDR macht man allerdings mehr als 3 Fotos (so ab 5). Dazu misst Du die Helligkeit von verschieden Bereichen mittels Spotmessung bzw schreibst dir die Verschlusszeit auf. Natürlich mit fester Blende und ISO und auch mit festem (manuellen) Fokus. Hinterher packst Die Kamera aufs Stativ und machst von jeder der aufgeschrieben Verschlusszeiten eine Aufnahme, ohne das Du die Kamera bewegst oder noch irgendwas anderes veränderst.

FoxundFixy  24.03.2016, 19:51

Für HDR reicht einer Dreier vollkommen,zumal die wenigsten Kameras mehr als 3 Bilder bei einer Belichtungsreihe machen. Außer man macht es manuel.Es reicht sogar ein einzelnes Bild für ein Pseudo-HDR, bei den man zweimal hinschauen muß,um den Unterschied zu einem echten HDR zu sehen


When you purchase a new printer, it delivers good results and works smoothly. But, as time passes by, it may give you the worst experience. Sometimes, you may display specific error messages that are enough to trouble you in your work, and other times it may undergo some technical difficulty. Although there are several reasons behind it one of the most common reasons is that your printer and the device from which you are giving commands to it are unable to establish a connection. Get complete solutions for your printer and other smart devices. We will guide you in best of our knowledge.When you purchase a new printer, it delivers good results and works smoothly. But, as time passes by, it may give you the worst experience. Sometimes, you may display specific error messages that are enough to trouble you in your work, and other times it may undergo some technical difficulty. Although there are several reasons behind it one of the most common reasons is that your printer and the device from which you are giving commands to it are unable to establish a connection. Get complete solutions for your printer and other smart devices. We will guide you in best of our knowledge.When you purchase a new printer, it delivers good results and works smoothly. But, as time passes by, it may give you the worst experience. Sometimes, you may display specific error messages that are enough to trouble you in your work, and other times it may undergo some technical difficulty. Although there are several reasons behind it one of the most common reasons is that your printer and the device from which you are giving commands to it are unable to establish a connection. Get complete solutions for your printer and other smart devices. We will guide you in best of our knowledge.When you purchase a new printer, it delivers good results and works smoothly. But, as time passes by, it may give you the worst experience. Sometimes, you may display specific error messages that are enough to trouble you in your work, and other times it may undergo some technical difficulty. Although there are several reasons behind it one of the most common reasons is that your printer and the device from which you are giving commands to it are unable to establish a connection. Get complete solutions for your printer and other smart devices. We will guide you in best of our knowledge.When you purchase a new printer, it delivers good results and works smoothly. But, as time passes by, it may give you the worst experience. Sometimes, you may display specific error messages that are enough to trouble you in your work, and other times it may undergo some technical difficulty. Although there are several reasons behind it one of the most common reasons is that your printer and the device from which you are giving commands to it are unable to establish a connection. Get complete solutions for your printer and other smart devices. We will guide you in best of our knowledge.When you purchase a new printer, it delivers good results and works smoothly. But, as time passes by, it may give you the worst experience. Sometimes, you may display specific error messages that are enough to trouble you in your work, and other times it may undergo some technical difficulty. Although there are several reasons behind it one of the most common reasons is that your printer and the device from which you are giving commands to it are unable to establish a connection. Get complete solutions for your printer and other smart devices. We will guide you in best of our knowledge.When you purchase a new printer, it delivers good results and works smoothly. But, as time passes by, it may give you the worst experience. Sometimes, you may display specific error messages that are enough to trouble you in your work, and other times it may undergo some technical difficulty. Although there are several reasons behind it one of the most common reasons is that your printer and the device from which you are giving commands to it are unable to establish a connection. Get complete solutions for your printer and other smart devices. We will guide you in best of our knowledge.When you purchase a new printer, it delivers good results and works smoothly. But, as time passes by, it may give you the worst experience. Sometimes, you may display specific error messages that are enough to trouble you in your work, and other times it may undergo some technical difficulty. Although there are several reasons behind it one of the most common reasons is that your printer and the device from which you are giving commands to it are unable to establish a connection. Get complete solutions for your printer and other smart devices. We will guide you in best of our knowledge.When you purchase a new printer, it delivers good results and works smoothly. But, as time passes by, it may give you the worst experience. Sometimes, you may display specific error messages that are enough to trouble you in your work, and other times it may undergo some technical difficulty. Although there are several reasons behind it one of the most common reasons is that your printer and the device from which you are giving commands to it are unable to establish a connection. Get complete solutions for your printer and other smart devices. We will guide you in best of our knowledge.When you purchase a new printer, it delivers good results and works smoothly. But, as time passes by, it may give you the worst experience. Sometimes, you may display specific error messages that are enough to trouble you in your work, and other times it may undergo some technical difficulty. Although there are several reasons behind it one of the most common reasons is that your printer and the device from which you are giving commands to it are unable to establish a connection. Get complete solutions for your printer and other smart devices. We will guide you in best of our knowledge.When you purchase a new printer, it delivers good results and works smoothly. But, as time passes by, it may give you the worst experience. Sometimes, you may display specific error messages that are enough to trouble you in your work, and other times it may undergo some technical difficulty. Although there are several reasons behind it one of the most common reasons is that your printer and the device from which you are giving commands to it are unable to establish a connection. Get complete solutions for your printer and other smart devices. We will guide you in best of our knowledge.When you purchase a new printer, it delivers good results and works smoothly. But, as time passes by, it may give you the worst experience. Sometimes, you may display specific error messages that are enough to trouble you in your work, and other times it may undergo some technical difficulty. Although there are several reasons behind it one of the most common reasons is that your printer and the device from which you are giving commands to it are unable to establish a connection. Get complete solutions for your printer and other smart devices. We will guide you in best of our knowledge.When you purchase a new printer, it delivers good results and works smoothly. But, as time passes by, it may give you the worst experience. Sometimes, you may display specific error messages that are enough to trouble you in your work, and other times it may undergo some technical difficulty. Although there are several reasons behind it one of the most common reasons is that your printer and the device from which you are giving commands to it are unable to establish a connection. Get complete solutions for your printer and other smart devices. We will guide you in best of our knowledge.When you purchase a new printer, it delivers good results and works smoothly. But, as time passes by, it may give you the worst experience. Sometimes, you may display specific error messages that are enough to trouble you in your work, and other times it may undergo some technical difficulty. Although there are several reasons behind it one of the most common reasons is that your printer and the device from which you are giving commands to it are unable to establish a connection. Get complete solutions for your printer and other smart devices. We will guide you in best of our knowledge.When you purchase a new printer, it delivers good results and works smoothly. But, as time passes by, it may give you the worst experience. Sometimes, you may display specific error messages that are enough to trouble you in your work, and other times it may undergo some technical difficulty. Although there are several reasons behind it one of the most common reasons is that your printer and the device from which you are giving commands to it are unable to establish a connection. Get complete solutions for your printer and other smart devices. We will guide you in best of our knowledge.When you purchase a new printer, it delivers good results and works smoothly. But, as time passes by, it may give you the worst experience. Sometimes, you may display specific error messages that are enough to trouble you in your work, and other times it may undergo some technical difficulty. Although there are several reasons behind it one of the most common reasons is that your printer and the device from which you are giving commands to it are unable to establish a connection. Get complete solutions for your printer and other smart devices. We will guide you in best of our knowledge.When you purchase a new printer, it delivers good results and works smoothly. But, as time passes by, it may give you the worst experience. Sometimes, you may display specific error messages that are enough to trouble you in your work, and other times it may undergo some technical difficulty. Although there are several reasons behind it one of the most common reasons is that your printer and the device from which you are giving commands to it are unable to establish a connection. Get complete solutions for your printer and other smart devices. We will guide you in best of our knowledge.When you purchase a new printer, it delivers good results and works smoothly. But, as time passes by, it may give you the worst experience. Sometimes, you may display specific error messages that are enough to trouble you in your work, and other times it may undergo some technical difficulty. Although there are several reasons behind it one of the most common reasons is that your printer and the device from which you are giving commands to it are unable to establish a connection. Get complete solutions for your printer and other smart devices. We will guide you in best of our knowledge.When you purchase a new printer, it delivers good results and works smoothly. But, as time passes by, it may give you the worst experience. Sometimes, you may display specific error messages that are enough to trouble you in your work, and other times it may undergo some technical difficulty. Although there are several reasons behind it one of the most common reasons is that your printer and the device from which you are giving commands to it are unable to establish a connection. Get complete solutions for your printer and other smart devices. We will guide you in best of our knowledge.When you purchase a new printer, it delivers good results and works smoothly. But, as time passes by, it may give you the worst experience. Sometimes, you may display specific error messages that are enough to trouble you in your work, and other times it may undergo some technical difficulty. Although there are several reasons behind it one of the most common reasons is that your printer and the device from which you are giving commands to it are unable to establish a connection. Get complete solutions for your printer and other smart devices. We will guide you in best of our knowledge.When you purchase a new printer, it delivers good results and works smoothly. But, as time passes by, it may give you the worst experience. Sometimes, you may display specific error messages that are enough to trouble you in your work, and other times it may undergo some technical difficulty. Although there are several reasons behind it one of the most common reasons is that your printer and the device from which you are giving commands to it are unable to establish a connection. Get complete solutions for your printer and other smart devices. We will guide you in best of our knowledge.When you purchase a new printer, it delivers good results and works smoothly. But, as time passes by, it may give you the worst experience. Sometimes, you may display specific error messages that are enough to trouble you in your work, and other times it may undergo some technical difficulty. Although there are several reasons behind it one of the most common reasons is that your printer and the device from which you are giving commands to it are unable to establish a connection. Get complete solutions for your printer and other smart devices. We will guide you in best of our knowledge.

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