Hey, ich mache selbst Crossfit und es gibts spezielle schuhe die Reebock Crossfit Nanos, sind zwar teuer aber auch einfach gut! Für Anfänger auch völlig ausreichend zum Gewichtheben und gut zum Laufen. Aber ich habe auch normale Laufschuhe von Adidas die ich manchmal benutze. Die gehen auch..wobei sie zum Gewichtheben eher blöd sind. Da brauch man eine festere Sohle! Crossfit ist toll! :D

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To my future host family, Thank you very much for considering my application! In this letter I would love to tell you a little bit about myself. My Name is XY and I am 18 years old, I live with my Family und Pets in the West Germany, at the Province YY, more precise in a 20000 population town, calls ZZ.

I live here with my Family, our Dog, our cat and our located nutria in a beautiful old house. The house is near the edge of the town and we enjoy it with long walks with our dog trough the nature. We live in Palatia, which is stamped by good food, wide forests and of course our special aczent. Our wine festivals are famous around the world. Every year thousands of people from around the whole world visit our biggest Wine festival on earth, it calls the 'Wurstmarkt´.It´s hard to find something better as the beautiful autumns in Palatinate, when everybody hike in the Palatinate Forest and enjoy.

I want to be an au pair because I love to work with children, they own view on the everydaylife is fascinating. I already cared for the kids in the Kindergarten next to our house and I took care for the children in a holyday camp in autumn 2012. I played with them board or card games and played with them outside. For example climbing, seesawing, catching or hide and find. I enjoyed everything and would do it every time again. In the kindergarten we tinkered some Easter handicrafts and sang a lot, but also in the holyday camp we tinker some tone figures or sock dolls. All the caretakers have to think about workshops for the children and play or tinker with them. I am interested to consider some handicraft works or active games for the kids inside and outside. I also took care about them while eating and looked for some good table manners. In the group there was about 30 children and they playes a lot outside, so sometimes somebody hurt himself, but this wasn´t a problem for me as well.

And I love to travel and witness the everyday life of a normal English family. I already visited the capital cities of England, Spain, France and of course Germany and I also traveled to some other cities. I love to watch the people at their everyday live. I really want to be a part of another family for just this few months. For me it´s really interesting to look at the conditions on other countries and match them with Germany and the german kind of living.

Sport has always played a big role in our family and therefore also in my life. I love to jog with my dog and enjoy my weekly athletic training. I also decided to lay focus on Sport in the school and one of my intensive courses is beside Biology and German, Physical Education. That means I have a few more Practical Lessons every week and Theory Lessons (full of Biology and Physics). In class we play Volleyball, we do Athletics and swimming and also Gymnastics. I started with Sports with about 4 years, first swimming and riding, later dancing and Athletics. And I do Hammer throwing for about 7 years with my sister and my Father, I also won some regional and national prize, which I’m really proud of.

For some years we own three horses. I was 11 years old when my sister and me became our first horse, a Norwegian called Viking, my sister and me break tthe horse on our own. With 13 I became my one horse, my little girl Farina which I loved a lot, the trio was completed by the old horse from my father Marschall, which was already 31 years and get his charity at ourselves. But because of our movement and iniquity we have to sell the horses. At this time a learned a lot about to accept responsibility for another animate being. Because it was my and my sister Melissa´s daily task to take care for the horses, clean them and ride them. In thisthis time a learned a lot about to accept responsibility for another animate being. Because it was my and my sister Melissa´s daily task to take care for the horses, clean them and ride them. In this time I often have to push back my friends and other hobby’s for the horses, but I enjoyed this time a lot. In my free time I like to go out with friends to meet them at a coffee, do Sushi-Evenings or go swimming with them. I also played the clarinet for years, but because of the university-entrance diploma, I often haven´t got time or muse to play. But on Christmas I take it out to play a Christmas song for the family.

I´m looking forward to be Au-pair in England, I hope that this year will be enrichment for both you and I and I would like to say thanks in advance that you will give me this unique chance.

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Also um schnellkraft zu trainieren, ist intramuskuläres koordinationstraining wichtig..das heißt schnell ausgeführte bewegung und auch muskelaufbau ist die grundlage für jede SChnellkräftige übung...ob du als sprinter talent hast ist eigentlich shcon erblich vorbestimmt durch den spezifischen fasertyp den jeder mensch von der geburt an besitzt...aber trotzdem mit 11.4 kannst du dich eigentlich sehen lassen und leichtathltik vereine werden dich gerne annhemen..allerdings ist sprinttraining nicht nur laufen sondern auch technick, koordination, krafttraining und sprungkraft also sehr vielfältig..mit spikes kannst du auf jeden fall 1 bis 2 hunderstel noch rausholen und wenn du zb 120 m im training läufst trainierst du dein stehvermögen und hast hintenraus noch mehr power und holst nochmal einpaar hunderstel raus :) sag doch kurz bescheid ob dir das weitergeholfen hat :)

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Ich fand Baumlose Sättle immer super..bei unserem hab ich die erfahrung gemacht das ich jede Bewegung des Pferdes spüren konnte und Schenkelhilfen super geben konnt...ist zwar eine etwas rutschige angelegenheit aber wennn man einen guten gleichgewichtssinn hat eigentlich kein problem..ich bin mit dem baumlosen auf einem einseitig blinden pferd geritten und auch gesprungen...er hat sich oft erschreckt, trotzdem bin ich nie runtergefallen oder so etwas....ich würde baumlose nur erfahrenen reitern empfehlen...aber positiv ist auch das er extrem leicht ist und super jedem pferd passst...außerdem gibts die gebraucht shcon ab 150€ und sind meist in der breite verstellbar und somit für verschiedenen pferde verwendbar :)

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